The histotopographic features of formation of keloid scars of maxillofacial localization
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Wydawnictwo Aluna
Scars are visible and palpable skin changes that remain after healing various types of damage to the integrity of the skin. Scarring is a pathophysiological process of skin regeneration, which is directed at closing of defect. Atypical wound healing may be accompanied by excessive scarring. In this case, ran domly (chaotically) located fibers of dense connective tissue form hypertrophic or keloid scars. The regulation of process of scar formation depends on many iatrogenic and somatic factors. The problem of excessive scar formation deserves a particular attention, primarily in the open areas of the human body [1-4].
Ключові слова
keloid scar, hyalinosis, histopographic features
Бібліографічний опис
The histotopographic features of formation of keloid scars of maxillofacial localization / K. P. Lokes, D. S. Avetikov, O. V. Klitynska [et al.] // Wiadomości Lekarskie. – 2020. – T. LXXIII, nr 3 – P. 565–568.