Electromygraphic potential of mastication muscles of patients with hearing deprivation and dental anomalies
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Journal of International Dental and Medical Research
One of the important etiological factors in the occurrence of bite pathology is improper work of
the muscles of the maxillofacial area. That is why the study of the muscles of the maxillofacial area
in normal conditions and with various pathologies of the bite acquire the greatest relevance among
scientists all over the world.
The purpose of the study is to determine the functional state of musculus masseter and
musculus temporalis in children and adolescents with hearing deprivation.
Surface electromyography of musculus masseter and musculus temporalis was performed in 25
children and adolescents with hearing deprivation in a state of physiological rest and with maximum
jaw clenching. All examined had 100% bite pathology. The obtained results were compared with the
results of hearing patients with a physiological bite and patients with orthodontic pathology without
hearing pathology.
An electromyographic study of masticatory muscles in teenagers with hearing loss allowed us to
assess their range of variability, the symmetry of their work during rest and the functional test of
maximum voluntary jaw clenching.
Increased biological activity of the masticatory muscles during physiological rest of deaf persons
compared to hearing persons with both physiological occlusion and occlusion pathology was
established (р˂0.05; р˂0.01).
Ключові слова
Children with hearing impairments, malocclusion, electromyography, masticatory muscles, temporal muscles, functional muscle activity
Бібліографічний опис
Electromygraphic potential of mastication muscles of patients with hearing deprivation and dental anomalies / Yu. K. Sokologorska-Nykina, V. D. Kuroiedova, O. A. Stasiuk, P. S. Korobov // Journal of International Dental and Medical Research. – 2024. – Vol. 17, № 1. – P. 239–246.