Characteristics of metal alloys properties for dental casting after their repeated remelting
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Aluna Publishing
The aim: To study clinical and experimental substantiation of the possibility of using cobalt-chromium and nickel-chromium alloys after repeated remelting for non-removable
one-piece prosthetics.
Materials and methods: Experimental studies of Remanium GM 700 and Remanium CSe dental alloys have been carried out. To study the physical and mechanical properties
of alloys, samples were obtained by sequential six-fold remelting in a Tiegelschleuder TS casting dental unit manufactured by Degussa. All samples were subjected to chemical
analysis and metallographic studies by methods generally known in metallurgy, which included studies of microhardness, elasticity, tensile deformation, bending deformation
and alloy structure after repeated remelting.
Results: Thus, the obtained results of the chemical, physicomechanical and structural properties of the remelts indicate that the Remanium GM 700 and Remanium СSe alloys
can be reused many times for the manufacture of one-piece orthopedic structures in that they are identical with certified alloys.
Conclusions: In terms of structure, qualitative and quantitative composition of elements, physical and technological properties, the Remanium GM 700 and Remanium CSe
alloys have been repeatedly remelted meet the requirements of materials used in biologically active environments of the patient’s body. High-quality and cost-effective remelted
multiple times Remanium GM 700 and Remanium CSe alloys can be recommended for use in practical prosthetic dentistry six times.
Ключові слова
metal alloy, casting, cobalt-chromium alloy, nickel-chromium alloy
Бібліографічний опис
Characteristics of metal alloys properties for dental casting after their repeated remelting / P. Hasiuk, V. Kindiy, V. Radchuk [et al.] // Wiadomości Lekarskie. – 2021. – Vol. LXXIV, issue 10, part 1. – P. 2423–2427.