To the question on gender-age and ethno-gender-age typological aspects while speaking about children’s hygiene
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Ethno-age typological aspect of hygiene study can be illustrated by following works and science directions. Children hands bad hygiene represents a problem in Indian clinics, less in private than in public; it is characteristic both for labour rooms and newborn units in part in the country southern states . Bad hygiene is considered to be significant factor of urinary tract infections in Iranian children . These infections are suggested to increase in children under three years of age. That is why there must be interventions to
increase knowledge and preventive behaviors in such children. Rather big block of scientific publications is dedicated to bad hygiene as one of the most widely-spread predictive factors of teeth decay in children in part the Iranian ones . Tooth pastes selection particularly for children is also paid rather big attention by dentists all over the world for instance in Iran.
Ключові слова
ethno-age typological, iranian children, children living
Бібліографічний опис
To the question on gender-age and ethno-gender-age typological aspects while speaking about children’s hygiene / E. Tkachenko, O. Chetverykova, K. Prylipko [et al.] // Міжгалузеві диспути: динаміка та розвиток сучасних наукових досліджень : матеріали міжнар. наук. конфм. Вінниця, Україна, 10 липня 2020 р. Т. 2. – Вінниця : МЦНД, 2020. – С. 22–23.