Problems of active children immunization in Poltava region

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At present children's infectious diseases has a huge part in the world. For example, measles and chicken pox is one of the most common airborne infections[1]. There are about 60 million people suffering from this infection every year, and they have a high percentage of mortality. These diseases cause serious consequences, opening the way to other body infections. Today, all severe complications from new mutan – Californian flue, add doctors’ a lot of excitement acute infection have a lot common epidemiologic features. The most important of these are highly contagious and spread to children's groups. That is why the prevention of these diseases vaccinations play a critical role. All of the above is relevant to the work of physician, especially pediatrician and family doctor [2,3]. We have analyzed the relative number of children (of all ages), grafted in 2006 and 2014 (vaccination and revaccination). We received the following information: vaccinated against pertussis held 97.3% of children (2006.), and only 26.3% (2014.), diphtheria and tetanus 89.8% - 13.1% respectively, measles, rubella, mumps - 97.2% - 19.5% of TB 92.8% - 52.9%, hepatitis B 81.9% - 26.8%, polio 97.6% - 39.2%. After sporadic cases of polio outbreak in Western Ukraine in spring 2016 was conducted vaccination campaign at the national level and coverage vaccinated against this disease was 85%. The results of this comparison were very disappointing. As you can see, almost all of the positions marked decrease in the number of vaccinated children. In the area of Poltava Regional SES population of children from 0 to 18 years old: in 2006 year were - 271 904, and in 2014. - 232,215 people [4]. We note that the number of children vaccinated against whooping cough decreased by 3.4 times; diphtheria, tetanus - in 6,9 times; polio - 2.5; measles, mumps, rubella - in 4,9 times; tuberculosis - 1.76 times; Hepatitis B - in 3,1 times. The total number of vaccinations performed in the region decreased 3.3 times (p <0.05). However, a significant reduction could occur rapidly, suddenly, it is possible to think that in 2007 began to form a stable tendency to reduce the active immunization of children of Poltava region [6]. This is very dangerous because it reduces immune stratum of the population, and could lead to a dangerous epidemic diseases, besides it is threatens the health of the nation. As for today, a decrease coverage of vaccination against infectious diseases, reduction the percentage of immune segment of the population, when it should be at least 70-80%, in order to avoid the occurrence of epidemics on a national scale. Example - diphtheria epidemic, we observed a violation compliance calendar vaccinations because of political and social situation in 1991-1996. Ukraine in 2002 after the Monitoring Committee of WHO was declared free of polio, as well as other European countries. However, the epidemic in 2010. in post-Soviet countries (Tajikistan, sporadic cases in) polio exported to 8 countries including the Ukraine in 2014, when fixed related to the vaccine poliovirus in the region of Western Ukraine. With the help of WHO and UNICEF conducted a large-scale enterprise in Ukraine for vaccination of children against polio. Indicators need to re-declare Ukraine polio-free, positive results 3 guest WHO, within 6 months no cases of wild poliovirus or circulating provoked vaccine poliovirus coverage measures additional campaigns immunizations against polio 95% of the target population coverage measures routine immunization against polio over 95%. The purpose of the WHO polio eradication it is phased withdrawal and limiting the use of oral polio vaccine on a global scale, in 2019-2020., Replacement of the inactivated polio vaccine. 17-29 April 2016 in 155 countries in Europe and Ukraine - was the transition to the use of bivalent OPV, and by May 15, 2016 - confirmed the implementation of this plan. Measures to output synchronized OPV2 conducted worldwide in Ukraine as well [8]. According to the results of the Ministry of Health (as of August 2016), only 30% of children were fully vaccinated against measles, 10% from hepatitis B and only 3% from diphtheria, whooping cough and tetanus. One of the reasons for the low level of immunization coverage in Ukraine is the experts refer to disruptions in the supply of vaccines that have occurred in recent years [7]. In 2016 the Ministry of Health through UNICEF procured through international organizations and raised in Ukraine more than 17 million doses of vaccines. They are provided with all regions of Ukraine. But there is another good reason for low vaccination coverage - a rejection of mothers from their children vaccinated because of the negative impact of media and distrust of the vaccine manufacturers (including India), as European vaccine is less available to Ukrainian medicine [7]. Summary: Carrying out preventive vaccination occurred with significant violations of the provisions of the "Regulations on the organization and conduct of preventive vaccinations" and the order №551 of Ministry Health of Ukraine 11.08.2014 year[5].


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Бібліографічний опис

Pikul K. V. Problems of active children immunization in Poltava region / K. V. Pikul // International research and practice conference “Innovative technology in medicine: experience of Poland and Ukraine”. – April 28-29. – Lublin, Poland, 2017. – P.188–190.