Методы работы с полутонкими эпоксидными срезами в гистологической практике
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АМН СССР, Всесоюзное научное общество анатомов, гистологов, эмбриологов, издательство "Медицина", Ленинградское отделение
Since ordinary histological laboratories have no special equipment, semi-thin epoxide embedded sections, to perfectly suitable to realize the resolving capacity of the light optic are not widely used in histological practice. However, even in an ordinary histological laboratory it is possible to master the method of their production. A special device is suggested to fix glass knives in the rotational microtome MPC-2. Simultaneously, a number of suggestions and recommendations are given as to certain specificities for obtaining serial semi-thin sections and the method for their staining. Besides, an original method is offered for producing film preparations by means of mild tissue compression in the process of polymerization in epoxide resin. This method allows not only to study some features in the composition of complex three-dimentional objects, but to obtain a series of semi-thin sections from the film preparation to reveal intimal interconnections between certain structural components.
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Бібліографічний опис
Костиленко Ю. П. Методы работы с полутонкими эпоксидными срезами в гистологической практике / Ю. П. Костиленко, Е. В. Ковалёв // Архив анатомии, гистологии и эмбриологии. – 1978. – Т. LXXV (75), № 12. – С. 68–72.