Ethnography and its usage in science various branches

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The article deals to modern literary data concerning to ethnography: national character, ethnic stereotypes, ethno-psychological types. Also it is in relation to own observations on foreign students language barriers, measures to prevent or liquidate dys-adaptation, cultural and trans-cultural stress and shock as well as to reach opitimal natural, social (psychological, educative, cultural and cross-cultural) adaptation to the education foreign applicants.


Ключові слова

ethnography, ethnic stereotypes, social adaptation, psychological adaptation, acculturation, cross-cultural adaptation, cultural and trans-cultural stress and shock, foreign students

Бібліографічний опис

Bagherizadeh M. A. Ethnography and its usage in science various branches / M. A. Bagherizadeh ; scientific supervisor : E. V. Tkachenko // Експериментальні та теоретичні дослідження в контексті сучасної науки : матеріали I Всеукр. студ. наук. конф., м. Запоріжжя, 22 жовтня, 2021 р. – Вінниця : ГО «Європейська наукова платформа», 2021. – С. 15–17.