Ориентировочные метрические параметры основных структурных образований мозолистого тела человека

dc.contributor.authorБоягина, Ольга Дмитриевна
dc.contributor.authorКостиленко, Юрий Петрович
dc.contributor.authorБоягіна, Ольга Дмитрівна
dc.contributor.authorКостиленко, Юрій Петрович
dc.contributor.authorBoiagina, O. D.
dc.contributor.authorKostilenko, Yu. P.
dc.description.abstractРобота присвячена вивченню метричних параметрів деяких основних утворень мозолистого тіла. В результаті дослідження виявлено певне кількісне переважання товстих нервових волокон у мозолистому тілі чоловіків порівняно з жінками. На жаль, у даний час ми не маємо на цей рахунок достовірних стати стичних даних. Ми тільки вказуємо на єдино можливу морфологічну ознаку, яка може служити орієнтиром у подальшому пошуку статевого диморфізму мозолистого тіла на мікроскопічному рівні організації, бо в усьому іншому конструктивний принцип його мієлоархітектоніки не має статевих відмінностей; Работа посвящена изучению метрических параметров некоторых основных образований мозолистого тела. В результате исследования выявлено некоторое количественное преобладание толстых нервных волокон в мозолистом теле мужчин по сравнению с женщинами. К сожалению, в настоящее время мы не располагаем на этот счет достоверными статистическими данными. Мы только указываем на един- ственно возможный морфологический признак, который может служить ориентиром в дальнейшем поиске полового диморфизма мозолистого тела на микроскопическом уровне организации, ибо во всем остальном конструктивный принцип его миелоархитектоники не имеет половых различий; In current literature the structure of the corpus callosum is mostly given as just an external description and the fact that it consists of a large number of densely concentrated myelinated nerve fibers carrying out commissural connection between the contralateral cortical centers of the new pallium. As for its internal structure, partially it can be judged about only on the basis of the data that relate to the histological structure of the white matter of the central nervous system. Taking into consideration the fact that the corpus callosum is a commissural spur of the white matter of the brain, we can accurately say that it consists of only three tissue components, namely: 1 – nerve fibers as the main functional elements; 2 – related neuroglial cells and 3 – blood microvessels arranged in connective tissue (interstitial) interlayers. We set a goal to establish a specific metric value of the above mentioned main formations of the corpus callosum. Excised flat slices (2 mm thick) made from pre-fixed in 10% neutral formalin whole mounts of the corpus callosum of mature men and women were used in the course of study. These slices were divided into two groups. One of the groups was subjected to the impregnation in 1% osmium tetroxide solution with further plastination in the epoxy resin. After complete polymerization the resulting blocks were used to make thin polished slices and serial semithin sections. To dye them 1% solution of methylene blue on 1% borax solution was used. In addition, traditional (paraffin) sections with hematoxylin and eosin Van Gieson’s staining were used. The examination of mounts and microfilming were carried out with light microscopy «Cone», equipped with a digital camera adapter. All linear dimensions of the major tissue structures of the corpus callosum were determined using the microscope BX-41 of the company «Olympus» with a digital camera adapter and a package of licensed programs for morphometric measurements. It was found out that the corpus callosum consists of an integrated set of formations similar in terms of structure and size (but not in form), which we call commissural cords. On the upper surface of the corpus callosum their external reflex is represented by the so-called cross-bars, having variable thickness in the range of 2.0 to 3.3 mm. These formations are separated by layers of loose fibrous connective tissue, the thickness of which ranges from 0.1 to 0.4 mm. Minimum thickness of fascicular portions constituting commissural cords is approximately 0.2 mm, and the maximum one is 3 times more. They are divided by fascicular slits, with their width ranging between 5.0 to 15.0 microns. And the micro vessels of capillary type are localized here. All fields of fascicular portions are densely covered with numerous cluster located light cells, with the size of the profile shape varying from 10.0 to 20.0 microns. But in terms of their volume they are somewhat more extensive than oligodendrocytes contained therein, with the dimensions ranging from 5.0 to 12.0 microns. It was also found out that the size of perivascular glial cells ranges between 9.0 and 16.0 microns. There are no nerve fibers with the maximum speed of nerve impulse corresponding their thickness of 20 microns inside corpus callosum. The diameter of the myelinated nerve fibers of the corpus callosum is hardly ever a little more than 10 microns. The study revealed some quantitative predominance of thick nerve fibers in the male corpus callosum compared to female ones. Unfortunately, currently we do not have any reliable statistical data concerning this issue. We only point out the only possible morphological feature that can serve as a guide in further search of sexual dimorphism of the corpus callosum at the microscopic organizational level, since upon every other point the constructional principle of its myeloarchitectonics has no sex differencesuk_UA
dc.identifier.citationБоягина О. Д. Ориентировочные метрические параметры основных структурных образований мозолистого тела человека / О. Д. Боягина, Ю. П. Костиленко // Вісник проблем біології і медицини. – 2016. – Вип. 4, т. 2 (134). – С. 184–188.uk_UA
dc.identifier.otherУДК 611.813.9.06
dc.publisherВищий державний навчальний заклад України «Українська медична стоматологічна академія»uk_UA
dc.subjectмозолисте тілоuk_UA
dc.subjectкомісуральні канатикиuk_UA
dc.subjectфасцикулярні порціониuk_UA
dc.subjectінтерфасцикулярні олігодендроцитиuk_UA
dc.subjectмозолистое телоuk_UA
dc.subjectкоммиссуральные канатикиuk_UA
dc.subjectфасцикулярные порционыuk_UA
dc.subjectинтерфасцикулярные олигодендроцитыuk_UA
dc.subjectthe corpus callosumuk_UA
dc.subjectinterfascicular oligodendrocytesuk_UA
dc.subjectcommissural cordsuk_UA
dc.subjectfascicular portionsuk_UA
dc.titleОриентировочные метрические параметры основных структурных образований мозолистого тела человекаuk_UA
dc.title.alternativeОрієнтовні метричні параметри основних структурних утворень мозолистого тіла людиниuk_UA
dc.title.alternativeApproximate metric parameters of major structural formations of human corpus callosumuk_UA


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