Медико-соціальна характеристика навчальної діяльності учнів основної школи
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Українська медична стоматологічна академія
В статті наведено дані щодо медико-соціальних факторів, що впливають на поведінку та успішність навчальної діяльності учнів основної школи. Виявлені тенденції залежності підлітків одне від одного. Також приведені дані щодо паління в залежності від шкільної успішності. В сучасному суспільстві необхідні навички швидкої реакції на зміну обставин і своєчасне швидке рішення нових завдань. Академічно здібні учні пристосовані до подібних швидких рішень, але середні школи не готові до таких учнів. Сучасна школа працює на стереотипах та дуже впливає на здібних дітей. В ході дослідження виявлено, що дівчата більш впевнені в собі, ніж хлопці. Багато учнів основної школи відмітили невпевненість у власних силах, а тому розраховують на допомогу оточуючих. Виявлено, що школярі, що навчаються на відмінно не палять.
В статье приведены данные о медико-социальных факторах, которые влияют на поведение и успешность учебной деятельности учеников основной школы. Выявленные тенденции зависимости подростков друг от друга. Также приведенные даны относительно курения в зависимости от школьной успешности. В современном обществе необходимы навыки быстрой реакции на изменение обстоятельств и своевременное быстрое решение новых заданий. Академически способные ученики приспособлены к подобным быстрым решениям, но средние школы не готовы к таким ученикам. Современная школа работает на стереотипах и очень влияет на способных детей. В ходе исследования выявлено, что девушки более уверены в себе, чем ребята. Многие ученики основной школы отметили неуверенность в собственных силах, а потому рассчитывают на помощь окружающих. Выявлено, что школьники, которые учатся на отлично не курят.
Data on medico-social factors which influence behavior and success of educational activity of pupils of the main school are provided in article. The taped tendencies of dependence of teenagers from each other. Also brought are given concerning smoking depending on school success. In modern society skills of fast reaction to change of circumstances and the well-timed fast solution of new tasks are necessary. Academically capable pupils are fitted for similar fast decisions, but high schools aren’t ready to such pupils. The modern school works at stereotypes and very much influences capable children. Object and methods. For the research were involved in 1000 students. The study was conducted using anonymous questionnaires. The data were divided into 3 groups. Separation was carried out on the level of success of training. 1 group - pupils who study perfectly well, well and perfectly. The 2nd group - pupils who study on well, well and satisfactory. The 3rd group - pupils who study on satisfactory and unsatisfactory. Conclusions 1. According to a research the most diffident girls of group 3 who have the low level of success. The greatest percent of these girls counts on the help of friends constantly. From group of excellent students of only 35% pupils always count on the help of friends. In group 2 always count on the help of friends of 40% of pupils. Big percent in answers about constant calculation to the aid of friends can demonstrate uncertainty in a soba and uncertainty of own priorities. However there is a negative tendency among pupils who study on “perfectly”: 3% of these pupils answered that they have no friends therefore do not count on their help, among them there are nearly 4% of children and 3% of girls. Among pupils who study on “well” and “perfectly” have no friends of nearly 2% of children and 1,3% of girls. In group of pupils who study as “well” 7,3% children and 1,1% of the girl have no friends. It can be sign of social disadaptation in society or lack of free time for communication and acquaintances to coevals. 2. The revealed negative tendency among pupils of the main school. The available percent of school students who never count on own forces and among them there is the greatest percent of school students who study on “satisfactory” and at times have “unsatisfactory”. From this result it is possible to draw a conclusion that pupils are not sure of themselves, uncertain in own forces and always count on the help from the outside. Perhaps because of this uncertainty these pupils also have the low level of success in study. 3. Pupils with the high level of success in most cases noted that they are happy with the situation in collective. In it the insignificant percent of dissatisfied pupils is a high time to eat. However among pupils with the low level of success percent dissatisfied with the situation in collective much higher. In that case it is possible to tell that the success in study can influence success in general. 4. Successful pupils do not smoke. Among pupils who study on “perfectly” those who smoke regularly are not revealed and absolutely insignificant percent of those who sometimes smoke.
В статье приведены данные о медико-социальных факторах, которые влияют на поведение и успешность учебной деятельности учеников основной школы. Выявленные тенденции зависимости подростков друг от друга. Также приведенные даны относительно курения в зависимости от школьной успешности. В современном обществе необходимы навыки быстрой реакции на изменение обстоятельств и своевременное быстрое решение новых заданий. Академически способные ученики приспособлены к подобным быстрым решениям, но средние школы не готовы к таким ученикам. Современная школа работает на стереотипах и очень влияет на способных детей. В ходе исследования выявлено, что девушки более уверены в себе, чем ребята. Многие ученики основной школы отметили неуверенность в собственных силах, а потому рассчитывают на помощь окружающих. Выявлено, что школьники, которые учатся на отлично не курят.
Data on medico-social factors which influence behavior and success of educational activity of pupils of the main school are provided in article. The taped tendencies of dependence of teenagers from each other. Also brought are given concerning smoking depending on school success. In modern society skills of fast reaction to change of circumstances and the well-timed fast solution of new tasks are necessary. Academically capable pupils are fitted for similar fast decisions, but high schools aren’t ready to such pupils. The modern school works at stereotypes and very much influences capable children. Object and methods. For the research were involved in 1000 students. The study was conducted using anonymous questionnaires. The data were divided into 3 groups. Separation was carried out on the level of success of training. 1 group - pupils who study perfectly well, well and perfectly. The 2nd group - pupils who study on well, well and satisfactory. The 3rd group - pupils who study on satisfactory and unsatisfactory. Conclusions 1. According to a research the most diffident girls of group 3 who have the low level of success. The greatest percent of these girls counts on the help of friends constantly. From group of excellent students of only 35% pupils always count on the help of friends. In group 2 always count on the help of friends of 40% of pupils. Big percent in answers about constant calculation to the aid of friends can demonstrate uncertainty in a soba and uncertainty of own priorities. However there is a negative tendency among pupils who study on “perfectly”: 3% of these pupils answered that they have no friends therefore do not count on their help, among them there are nearly 4% of children and 3% of girls. Among pupils who study on “well” and “perfectly” have no friends of nearly 2% of children and 1,3% of girls. In group of pupils who study as “well” 7,3% children and 1,1% of the girl have no friends. It can be sign of social disadaptation in society or lack of free time for communication and acquaintances to coevals. 2. The revealed negative tendency among pupils of the main school. The available percent of school students who never count on own forces and among them there is the greatest percent of school students who study on “satisfactory” and at times have “unsatisfactory”. From this result it is possible to draw a conclusion that pupils are not sure of themselves, uncertain in own forces and always count on the help from the outside. Perhaps because of this uncertainty these pupils also have the low level of success in study. 3. Pupils with the high level of success in most cases noted that they are happy with the situation in collective. In it the insignificant percent of dissatisfied pupils is a high time to eat. However among pupils with the low level of success percent dissatisfied with the situation in collective much higher. In that case it is possible to tell that the success in study can influence success in general. 4. Successful pupils do not smoke. Among pupils who study on “perfectly” those who smoke regularly are not revealed and absolutely insignificant percent of those who sometimes smoke.
Ключові слова
навчальна діяльність, успішність навчання, основна школа, впевненість в собі, учебная деятельность, успешность обучения, основная школа, уверенность в себе, educational activity, success of training, main school, self-confidence
Бібліографічний опис
Даниленко Г. М. Медико-соціальна характеристика навчальної діяльності учнів основної школи / Г. М. Даниленко, В. Г. Нестеренко // Вісник проблем біології і медицини. – 2017. – Вип. 4, т. 2 (140). – С. 179–183.