Народознавство як невід’ємна частина народної педагогіки у процесі формування професійної компетентності майбутніх педагогів
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Publishing House “Baltija Publishing"
Головною проблемою реформування сучасної національної освіти є залучення молоді до вивчення надбань народної педагогіки. Тому сьогодні висуваються високі вимоги до професійної компетентності майбутніх педагогів. Основою функціонування безперервної системи освіти в Україні є дотримання принципів народності, культуровідповідності, етнізації та природовідповідності. Ці вимоги зазначені Ефективність такої роботи багато в чому буде залежати від рівня майстерності майбутніх педагогів інтегрувати свої народознавчі знання з професійними уміннями та навичками в сучасному освітньому просторі. Адже дуже часто педагоги, дотримуючись програмових вимог та завдань виховання й розвитку молодого покоління, не враховують особливостей народознавчого підходу, обмежуючись у використанні загальних засобів розвитку. Для виконання ж більш широкого спектру завдань з розвитку та виховання особистісних якостей у молодого покоління педагогам потрібні не лише високий рівень теоретичної підготовленості та практичні вміння, а й украй необхідні знання з народознавства, народної педагогіки, етнології, етнопедагогіки. Серед українських педагогів-класиків великого значення проблемі національного виховання молодого покоління надавали С. Русова, М. Грушевський, О. Воропай, М. Стельмахович та інші.
The purpose of the article is to substantiate theoretically and test experimentally the role of ethnology as an integral part of folk pedagogy in the process of future educators’ professional competence forming. According to the purpose, the tasks were defined: to characterize theoretical aspects of the problem; to determine the necessity of introducing ethnology as an integral part of folk pedagogy in the process of future specialists professional competence training. The experimental study, involving 66 students in 2018-2019, identified the criteria for their readiness to study ethnology as an essential part of folk pedagogy in the process of professional competence formation.The first criterion is professional; the second one is informational-ethnological; the third is practical and methodical. Indicators were developed for each of criteria. The purpose of the forming stage of the study was to confirm that the process of formation of future teachers’ professional competence in the field of ethnology would be effective when it is provided by the purposeful formation of ethno-pedagogical, ethnological and methodological competence. It should be carried out in the course of special author’s methodology, proved by scientifically chosen educational information, taking into account the experience of folk pedagogy, its systematic application in the process of teaching relevant professional education disciplines, the use of adequate teaching methods in educational and practical students’ activities. To test the effectiveness of proposed author’s special course, data about criteria level of formation of future teachers’ professional competence in ethnology were collected. We have established quantitative characteristics of the studied processes and their effectiveness. Diagnostic analysis, by method developed by us, combined such methods of work with students as questioning, testing, observation. According to the results of experimental study, it was found that 50% of the students of experimental group and 62% of the students of control group were at a low level by the first criterion – professional. According to the second criterion – informational-ethnological – 62% of experimental students and 73% of control group respondents were of low level. According to the third criterion, practical and methodical, the following indicators were recorded: in experimental group – 51% of students, in the control group – 68% of students had a low level. Students’ knowledge, skills and abilities check, conducted after the completion of formative experimental work (implementation of the methodology), showed a significant increase in the level of preparedness in experimental group. Decrease in the number of future educators with low level of readiness and simultaneous increase in the number of students with intermediate and high levels has been achieved. The article presents the generalized results of the research on the problem of future teachers’ professional competence formation; the expediency of ethnology implementing as an integral part of folk pedagogy into the content of higher education institutions is revealed.
The purpose of the article is to substantiate theoretically and test experimentally the role of ethnology as an integral part of folk pedagogy in the process of future educators’ professional competence forming. According to the purpose, the tasks were defined: to characterize theoretical aspects of the problem; to determine the necessity of introducing ethnology as an integral part of folk pedagogy in the process of future specialists professional competence training. The experimental study, involving 66 students in 2018-2019, identified the criteria for their readiness to study ethnology as an essential part of folk pedagogy in the process of professional competence formation.The first criterion is professional; the second one is informational-ethnological; the third is practical and methodical. Indicators were developed for each of criteria. The purpose of the forming stage of the study was to confirm that the process of formation of future teachers’ professional competence in the field of ethnology would be effective when it is provided by the purposeful formation of ethno-pedagogical, ethnological and methodological competence. It should be carried out in the course of special author’s methodology, proved by scientifically chosen educational information, taking into account the experience of folk pedagogy, its systematic application in the process of teaching relevant professional education disciplines, the use of adequate teaching methods in educational and practical students’ activities. To test the effectiveness of proposed author’s special course, data about criteria level of formation of future teachers’ professional competence in ethnology were collected. We have established quantitative characteristics of the studied processes and their effectiveness. Diagnostic analysis, by method developed by us, combined such methods of work with students as questioning, testing, observation. According to the results of experimental study, it was found that 50% of the students of experimental group and 62% of the students of control group were at a low level by the first criterion – professional. According to the second criterion – informational-ethnological – 62% of experimental students and 73% of control group respondents were of low level. According to the third criterion, practical and methodical, the following indicators were recorded: in experimental group – 51% of students, in the control group – 68% of students had a low level. Students’ knowledge, skills and abilities check, conducted after the completion of formative experimental work (implementation of the methodology), showed a significant increase in the level of preparedness in experimental group. Decrease in the number of future educators with low level of readiness and simultaneous increase in the number of students with intermediate and high levels has been achieved. The article presents the generalized results of the research on the problem of future teachers’ professional competence formation; the expediency of ethnology implementing as an integral part of folk pedagogy into the content of higher education institutions is revealed.
Ключові слова
народознавство, народна педагогіка, професійна компетентність, майбутні педагоги, педагогіка
Бібліографічний опис
Вашак О. Народознавство як невід’ємна частина народної педагогіки у процесі формування професійної компетентності майбутніх педагогів / О. Вашак, Л. Мартиросян // Theoretical and practical aspects of the development of the European Research Area : monograph / edited by authors. – 2nd ed. – Riga, Latvia : “Baltija Publishing”, 2020. – P. 1–21.