Стоматологический статус рабочих железорудной промышленности
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Українська медична стоматологічна академія
Для изучения стоматологического статуса рабочих железорудных комбинатов проведено комплексное стоматологическое обследование 256 рабочих и контрольной группы из 79 человек. Анализ зависимости состояния твердых тканей зубов и пародонта от стажа работы и степени контакта с вредными производственными факторами у рабочих показал высокую распространенность заболеваний твердых тканей зубов и пародонта, обусловленную профессиональной вредностью, имеющую прямую корреляционную взаимосвязь от времени и степени контакта с вредными факторами. Результаты исследования могут быть использованы для организации системы охраны стоматологического здоровья рабочих исследуемого и других подобных предприятий; Для вивчення стоматологічного статусу робітників залізорудних комбінатів проведено комплексне стоматологічне обстеження 256 робітників і контрольної групи з 79 осіб. Аналіз залежності стану твердих тканин зубів і пародонта від стажу роботи та ступеня контакту з шкідливими виробничими чинниками в робітників показав високу
поширеність хвороб твердих тканин зубів і пародонта, зумовлену професійними шкідливостями, які мають прямий кореляційний взаємозв’язок із часом і ступенем контакту зі шкідливими чинниками виробництва. Результати дослідження можуть бути використані для організації системи охорони стоматологічного здоров’я робітників залізорудних та інших промислових підприємств; The dental health of miners has specific differences from the average indicators of epidemiological surveys, which is
associated with a distinct negative impact on the oral tissues of the air in the work area.
Analyzing the literature data on the impact of professional production factors of mining production on the formation of dental pathology, it can be stated that the prevalence of diseases of hard tissues of teeth, periodontal tissues and oral mucosa among workers in these industries is significantly higher than in the control group, where the influence of harmful conditions labor on the oral cavity is absent. The purpose of the study was to assess the dental status and the structural and morphological parameters of the
bone tissue of workers in iron ore production and to identify their relationship to the degree of exposure to harmful production factors. Materials and methods of research. A total of 256 workers aged from 20 to 60 years with a work experience of 5-20 years
were surveyed, who made up the main group of the surveyed. Among them were persons suffering from dust bronchitis (samplesize - 95), who suffer from dust bronchitis and vibration disease - 96 workers with a vibration disease - 65. The control group consisted of 79 employees who had indirect contact with harmful industrial factors of the industrial facility, comparable in age and sex. The evaluation of the condition of hard tissues of the teeth was carried out according to the following criteria: color
and transparency of the enamel according to the tooth coloring on the Vita scale, the degree of abnormal abrasion of teeth in accordance with the classification of Groshikov M.I. (1985). Densitometric parameters were determined by the structure of the calcaneus with the use of the diagnostic complex "Osteo Syst-2000" (manufactured by the Republic of Korea). At clinical examination of hard tissues of teeth, we did not notice any significant differences in the erasure of the teeth of the upper and lower jaws. At the same time, it was reliably established that the erosion of hard tooth tissues in underground miners, on the basis of index evaluation, was 1.76 times higher than in the control group. It is characteristic that a relatively high index of tooth erasure in the main group was noted in molars 2.98 ± 0.12, and in incisors 2.65 ± 0.13, both
in the upper and lower jaws. The most pronounced changes in the structure of bone tissue were observed in the examinees, which are constantly exposed to combined effects of vibration and a dust factor in the conditions of mining of iron ore. In our opinion, these deviations from physiological norms are associated with discus- sive and metabolic disorders, which can occur when mining activity affects the workers' organism.
Characteristically, changes in densitometric parameters directly depended on age and length of service. When analyzing the data obtained, it becomes apparent that there is a gradual increase in the prevalence of signs of periodontal tissue diseases in miners with age, and correspondingly, with an increase in underground work experience. It
should be noted, the weighting of the pathological process and the involvement of large volumes of tissues (it is mainly about the generalization of the process), as well as the growth of periodontal pathology (gingivitis of different severity, periodontitis) with an increase in work experience in harmful conditions of iron ore production and the age of the surveyed workers. The obtained results of the study can be used for optimization of existing model of preservation of dental health workers of iron ore enterprises in the region and the development of a rational set of treatment and prevention activities.
Ключові слова
стоматологічний статус, робітники, залізорудна промисловість, стоматологический статус, рабочие, железорудная промышленность, dental status, workers, iron ore industry
Бібліографічний опис
Груздева А. А. Стоматологический статус рабочих железорудной промышленности / А. А. Груздева, О. А. Глазунов // Український стоматологічний альманах. – 2017. – № 4. – С. 9–13.