Поширеність захворювання тканин пародонта у хворих на ІХС

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Вищий державний навчальний заклад України «Українська медична стоматологічна академія»


Виявлена висока частота захворювань тканин пародонта у хворих на ішемічну хворобу серця. Показані переважання генералізованих уражень тканин пародонту, залежність клінічної пародонтальної симптоматики від характеру перебігу кардіальної патології. Ретроспективний аналіз поширеності ГП у хворих на ІХС показав прямий кореляційний зв'язок між ступенем тяжкості ГП і функціональним класом перебігу ІХС; Выявлена высокая частота заболеваний тканей пародонта у больных ишемической болезнью сердца. Показаны преобладание генерализованных поражений тканей пародонта, зависимость клинической пародонтальной симптоматики от характера течения кардиальной патологии. Ретроспективный анализ распространенности ГП у больных ИБС показал прямую корреляционную связь между степенью тяжести ГП и функциональным классом течения ИБС; The topicality of the research. Periodontal diseases rank the second position among dental diseases. Generalized periodontitis is the most common periodontal pathology, especially in the second half of the human life. Therefore there is an urgent need to find more effective ways for preventing and treating the condition. There are close links between periodontal diseases and systemic conditions, the most common of which is such cardiovascular pathology as coronary heart disease. Thus the present research is aimed to study the prevalence rate of periodontal diseases depending on the progression rate of coronary heart disease (CHD). Materials and methods. To determine the prevalence of generalized periodontitis in patients with CHD and stable exertional angina we analyzed retrospectively 86 histories of male patients aged 45-65. To determine the condition of parodontium tissues we applied complex clinical methods of examination: basic and advanced. Verification of the diagnosis of chronic generalized periodontitis was based on the classification of . Danilewskii M. F. (1994). Clinical survey of periodontal diseases (all data were put into patient’s cards) included the assessment of gum condition, the inspection of physiological or pathological tooth mobility. To evaluate the hygienic condition of oral cavity we used Fedorov-Volodkìna index, to determine the condition of periodontal tissue we applied papìllary-marginal-alveolar index (PMA) modified by Parma and the combined periodontal index by Russell. Patients were subjected to orthopantomography. To study of the functional condition of the vascular bed we used rheography. All the patients were divided into 4 groups. Results. The correlation between the high prevalence of HGP and CHD has been proven, and it makes up 89.5% of cases. It has been shown only 10.5% of patients with CHD have relatively healthy periodontium, 27.9% of patients were diagnosed to have mild periodontitis, 19.7% of the patients were recorded to have moderate periodontitis, 41.9% of the patients with CHD, who were taking inpatient care had predominantly generalized parodontitis of the II degree of severity. It was at the stage of acute exacerbation, which, in our opinion, may be associated with periods of exacerbation of the underlying disease. The results of our research agree with the data presented by Zabolotny (1992) and Yudina N.A. (2010). Thus the retrospective analysis of prevalence of generalized periodontitis in patients with CHD has showed a direct correlation between the intensity of the periodontal pathology and functional class of CHD. Conclusion 1. The patients with coronary heart disease and stable exertional angina pectoris of the III functional class have been found out to show high prevalence of generalized periodontitis, making up 89.9% orn cases studied. 2. Our results have proven the close correlation between the severity of periodontal disease and functional class of CHD. 3. The most patients with CHD who were passing through inpatient care had generalized periodontitis of the I-II degree of severity in the stage of acute exacerbation (89.5%), which, in our opinion, may be associated with the period of exacerbation of the underlying disease.


Ключові слова

пародонтит, комплексне лікування, ішемічна хвороба серця, пародонтит, комплексное лечение, ишемическая болезнь сердца, periodontitis, comprehensive treatment, ischemic heart disease

Бібліографічний опис

Бойченко О. М. Поширеність захворювання тканин пародонта у хворих на ІХС / О. М. Бойченко, Ю. В. Сідаш // Актуальні проблеми сучасної медицини. – 2013. – Т. 13, Вип. 3 (43). – С. 13–15.