Взаємодія гліфосату з амінокислотами генетично модифікованої раундапостійкої і не генетично модифікованої сої у водному розчині в умовах in vitro
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Українська медична стоматологічна академія
Встановлено, що діюча речовина Roundup – гліфосат в умовах in vitro вступає у взаємодію з ароматичними амінокислотами сої, а з іншими амінокислотами в організмі, як аналог гліцину, утворює пептидні сполуки, що є підтвердженням утворення в організмі людей і тварин неприродних пептидів за наявності в продуктах харчування і кормах гліфосату; Установлено, что действующее вещество Roundup – глифосат в условиях in vitro вступает во взаимодействие с ароматическими аминокислотами сои, а с другими аминокислотами в организме, как аналог глицина, образует пептидные соединения, что является подтверждением образования в организме людей и животных неестественных пептидов при наличии в продуктах питания и кормах глифосата; Research purpose. To study the interaction of glyphosate with amino acids GM Roundup-resistant and non GM soy in an aqueous solution in conditions in vitro on the principle of Pauli reaction with aromatic amino acids and formol titration. Object and research methods. In the first 2 cups placed 10 g of soybeans not GM and in one of them added 66 mg of Roundup (glyphosate) in dry powder form, and in the 3rd and 4th cups, similar to 10 g of GM Roundupresistant soybean, and in one of them was added also 66 mg of Roundup (glyphosate). In all 4 cups, 150 ml of distilled water was added, and in the 5th cup only 66 mg of Roundup (glyphosate) and 150 ml of distilled water. Whenь boiling during 1 hour, the water evaporated, so the volume was adjusted to 100 ml with distilled water. In the process of boiling, there was inactivation of all biologically active substances soy with the transition to aqueous solution of heat-resistant water-soluble proteins, peptides and amino acids, including aromatic in non-GM soybeans and possibly the remaining glyphosate from the Roundup-resistant soy. In the boiling process, glyphosate, as the active ingredient of the Roundup herbicide, interacts with the amino acids, peptides and proteins of aqueous extracts soy of both variants. After boiling broth filtered through a nylon cloth and thus received aqueous extract for subsequent studies. In the obtained aqueous extract of soy and glyphosate aqueous solution was determined by reaction Pauli content of aromatic amino acids, including phenylalanine, tyrosine, histidine and tryptophan. The interaction of glyphosate with aromatic amino acids of aqueous extract of soya in the boiling process should be manifested by the formation of compounds of glyphosate with aromatic amino acids. Because glyphosate is blocking their synthesis in non-Roundup-resistant plants – weeds when crop spraying of GM soy.
In water extracts of soya 2nd variants and in a solution only glyphosate without soy was determined by the content of amine nitrogen on the principle of formol titration. Research results and their discussion. Indicators extinction FEC reaction Pauli content of aromatic amino acids in aqueous extract different samples of non-GM soybeans and the same indicators when boiling with glyphosate showed reduction of aromatic amino acids by boiling soybeans with glyphosate. This is evidence that glyphosate (N-phosphonomethylglycine) contained in Roundup-resistant GM soybeans in the gastrointestinal tract, blood and tissue cells, primarily of people, and animals enter into peptide chain as glycine analogue. In this study, glyphosate reacts with aromatic amino acids reducing the color intensity of the reaction Pauli, i.e., the index of extinction FEC reduced. Obviously, the phosphonomethyl group of N-phosphonomethylglycine reacts with an aromatic ring of these amino acids, which prevents the passage of the Pauli reaction. Realization similar studies with Roundup-resistant GM soy showed a further decrease of extinction FEC of soybeans after boiling with glyphosate. If the percentage of reduction the content of aromatic amino acids in non-GM soybean was 10.4 ± 0.88 % in the range of deviations of 14.0-7.0 %, then in GM soy the average value was 18.1 ± 3.09 % with a variation of 36.0 to 9.0%. The analysis of the comparison of the reaction with aromatic amino acids of non-GM soybeans with GM soya and with glyphosate during boiling indicates a more distinct reaction of the aromatic amino acids of Roundupresistant soy in the understanding of the interaction of the phosphonomethyl group of glyphosate with the aromatic ring of these amino acids. Indicators of formol titration on the content of amino acids in aqueous extracts of non-GM soybeans without glyphosate and when boiling with glyphosate convincingly showed the interaction of amino acids with N-phosphonomethylglycine. As a result of such interaction, compounds of peptides with a phosphonomethyl group of glyphosate are formed. Similar results were obtained in studies with Roundup-resistant GM soybeans. Conclusions 1. Based on Pauli the reaction found that glyphosate under conditions in vitro glyphosate interacts, that is, forming compounds with aromatic amino acids of non-GM soybeans and more pronounced with the same aromatic amino acids Roundup-resistant GM soybeans. 2. The method of formol titration confirmed that in vitro glyphosate when it is boiled in an aqueous solution with whole soybean interacts with amino acids as an analogue of glycine to form unnatural peptide compounds. 3. The studies conducted are an argument for the risk of using GM soy in food for people and especially children.
Ключові слова
генетично модифікована соя, не генетично модифікована соя, водна витяжка сої, гліфосат, формольне титрування, Roundup, реакція Паулі, генетически модифицированная соя, не генетически модифицированная соя, водная вытяжка сои, глифосат, Roundup, реакция Паули, формольное титрование, genetically modified soybeans are not genetically modified soybeans, soybean extract water, glyphosate, Roundup, Pauli reaction, formol titration
Бібліографічний опис
Взаємодія гліфосату з амінокислотами генетично модифікованої раундапостійкої і не генетично модифікованої сої у водному розчині в умовах in vitro / Я. М. Кулик, Ю. В. Обертюх, І. О. Виговська, Л. О. Гончар // Вісник проблем біології і медицини. – 2018. – Вип. 1, т. 1 (142). – С. 73–78.