Typological aspects contribution in excitive tissues and sensitivity study: literary review and own data

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Молодіжна наукова ліга. - Вінниця


The article is devoted to essentiality of typological aspects taking into consideration while analyzing the scientific literary data as well as by own research data. We performed two research sets: 1) assessed and compared pain sensitivity peculiarities in Iranian students dependently on their temperament type; 2) assessed and compared pain threshold on the faces right and left halves in the foreign students from various countries (Iran, Syria, Palestina, Iraq and Sudan) in dependence on their dominant extremity while writing. The results received demonstrated mentioned typological aspects value while assessing the noceoception. It has importance in Anesthesiology and for stress assessment in part. Literary review analysis demonstrated typological aspects importance in various theoretical and applied sciences.


Ключові слова

foreign students, typological aspects, temperament, left-handers, right-handers, ambidexters, noceoception, pain

Бібліографічний опис

Shah Z. Typological aspects contribution in excitive tissues and sensitivity study: literary review and own data / Z. Shah, E. V. Tkachenko // Наука сьогодення: від досліджень до стратегічних рішень : матеріали II Міжнар. студентської наук. конф., м. Умань, 24 вересня, 2021 р. – Вінниця : Європейська наукова платформа, 2021. – С. 122–124.