Eastern Medicine contribution into the theory on temperaments as well as dys-temperaments study in PSMU foreign applicants some aspects

dc.contributor.advisorTkachenko, O. V.
dc.contributor.advisorТкаченко, Олена Вікторівна
dc.contributor.authorJha, S. K
dc.contributor.authorAbbassi, M.
dc.description.abstractThere are various classifications of temperaments except “habitual” division into cholerics, sanguinics, phlegmatics and melancholics described in an Eastern medicine, having not only theoretical but applied significance. The work aim: to analyze contribution of temperament study in various spheres of personal life while using the traditional and non-traditional approaches to temperaments classification and the data about dys-temperaments among the PSMU and other educational establishments Indian students as well as other people in India. Materials and methods: surveys; Eysenck’s classic questionnaire on temperament assessment; physiological methods of vagotony and sympatheticotony determining. Results: the examined Indian students demonstrated approximately equal distribution by all temperament types by traditional Eysenck’s questionnaire without valuable varieties by gender. The Indian girls reported about migraine and linked it with vagotony and dys-temperament while demonstrating the knowledge about this so called double representation. All the respondents were informed about the data on possible using the knowledge about dry and wet temperaments, gastral and hepatic, the ones of diseases and medicines. Conclusions: we consider that the data about Eastern medicine contribution into temperaments study in its theoretical and applied sides must be introduced into educative process in medical educational establishments officially in all countries.uk_UA
dc.identifier.citationJha S. K. Eastern Medicine contribution into the theory on temperaments as well as dys-temperaments study in PSMU foreign applicants some aspects / S. K. Jha, M. Abbassi // Сучаснi теоретичнi та практичнi аспекти клiнiчноï медицини для здобувачiв освiти другого (магiстерського) рiвня : тези доп. наук.-практ. конф. з мiжнар.участю, присвяч. 95-рiччю Л. В. Прокоповоï, м. Одеса, 27-28 квiтня 2023 р. – Електронне видання. – Одеса : ОНМедУ, 2023. – С. 98.uk_UA
dc.publisherОдеський медичний університетuk_UA
dc.subjecteastern medicineuk_UA
dc.subjectIndian medicineuk_UA
dc.subjectpersian medicineuk_UA
dc.subjecttemperament classificationsuk_UA
dc.subjecttemperament typesuk_UA
dc.subjectdys- temperaments classificationsuk_UA
dc.subjectautonomic nervous centers toneuk_UA
dc.subjectvagotony and sympatheticotony as alternatives of dys-temperamentsuk_UA
dc.subjectmigraine as dys- temperament and dys-autonomiauk_UA
dc.subjectmigraine as vagotony expressionuk_UA
dc.subjectmigraine pathogenesis new theoriesuk_UA
dc.subjectmigraine pathogenesis new points of considerationuk_UA
dc.subjecttemperaments in Indian studentsuk_UA
dc.subjectdys-temperaments in Indian studentsuk_UA
dc.subjecttemperaments and dys-temepraments in the Indiansuk_UA
dc.subjecttypological belonginguk_UA
dc.subjecthuman typologiesuk_UA
dc.subjecttypological aspectsuk_UA
dc.subjectethno-gender-typological aspectuk_UA
dc.titleEastern Medicine contribution into the theory on temperaments as well as dys-temperaments study in PSMU foreign applicants some aspectsuk_UA


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