Сучасні підходи до оперативних втручань при лікуванні патології твердих тканин зубів в клініці терапевтичної стоматології: стратегії та технології
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Полтавський державний медичний університет
Незважаючи на значні успіхи стоматології в світі проблема карієсу зубів залишається актуальною.
Метою нашого дослідження стало, базуючись на останніх публікаціях в літературі, визначити найбільш
оптимальні методи лікування карієсу.
Можна впевнено сказати, що сьогодні існують сучасні, безболісні, неінвазивні методи лікування карієсу.
Кожен метод має досить суттєві переваги, виключаючи недоліки традиційного методу такі як: біль виникаюча
від тиску, вібрації і температури; необхідність використання анестетиків; утворення «змазаного» шару; травма, некроз пульпи, як наслідок впливу термічного фактора; страх голок і борів.
Звичайно не можна сказати, що неінвазивні технології повністю можуть замінити традиційний метод лікування, при виборі тактики лікування необхідно враховувати індивідуальні особливості пацієнта.
t. Despite the significant success of dentistry in the world, the problem of dental caries remains relevant. Preparation is the most common and at the same time labor-intensive stage; its features depend on the localization of the carious cavity (CP), the volume of the lesion and the group of the tooth, the hygiene of the oral cavity, the aesthetic requirements of the patient, as well as the properties of the filling material. The aim of our study was, based on the latest publications in the literature, to determine the most optimal methods of treating caries. In the remains of fate, the manifestation about demineralization was lost, as well as the potential for reminiscent tissue of the tooth in the aspect of the consolidation of this caricature. Acceptance on the cob of 90th rock of the past table the principle of minimal invasive involvement in the dental praises and recommendations for wide practical perseverance at the international FDI congress in 2002. Modern concept is based on a manifold of cobs for carrying out prophylactic visits; surgery is required only with the appearance of emptiness in the tooth tissues with the lower fillings with special materials. Overshoes, respectfully, are possible to reminiscently, to preserve the tooth better than the tooth tissue, so that we can by all means keep the tooth out of the way. The principle of merciless preparation, the development of “tunnels”, etc., is actively promoted at the academic literature. We can confidently say that today there are modern, painless, non-invasive methods of treating caries. Each method has quite significant advantages, eliminating the disadvantages of the traditional method such as: pain arising from pressure, vibration and temperature; the need to use anaesthetics; the formation of a “smeared” layer; trauma, pulp necrosis, as a result of the influence of the thermal factor; fear of needles and hogs. Of course, today, it cannot be said that non-invasive technologies can completely replace the traditional method of treatment, when choosing treatment tactics, it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of the patient.
t. Despite the significant success of dentistry in the world, the problem of dental caries remains relevant. Preparation is the most common and at the same time labor-intensive stage; its features depend on the localization of the carious cavity (CP), the volume of the lesion and the group of the tooth, the hygiene of the oral cavity, the aesthetic requirements of the patient, as well as the properties of the filling material. The aim of our study was, based on the latest publications in the literature, to determine the most optimal methods of treating caries. In the remains of fate, the manifestation about demineralization was lost, as well as the potential for reminiscent tissue of the tooth in the aspect of the consolidation of this caricature. Acceptance on the cob of 90th rock of the past table the principle of minimal invasive involvement in the dental praises and recommendations for wide practical perseverance at the international FDI congress in 2002. Modern concept is based on a manifold of cobs for carrying out prophylactic visits; surgery is required only with the appearance of emptiness in the tooth tissues with the lower fillings with special materials. Overshoes, respectfully, are possible to reminiscently, to preserve the tooth better than the tooth tissue, so that we can by all means keep the tooth out of the way. The principle of merciless preparation, the development of “tunnels”, etc., is actively promoted at the academic literature. We can confidently say that today there are modern, painless, non-invasive methods of treating caries. Each method has quite significant advantages, eliminating the disadvantages of the traditional method such as: pain arising from pressure, vibration and temperature; the need to use anaesthetics; the formation of a “smeared” layer; trauma, pulp necrosis, as a result of the influence of the thermal factor; fear of needles and hogs. Of course, today, it cannot be said that non-invasive technologies can completely replace the traditional method of treatment, when choosing treatment tactics, it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of the patient.
Ключові слова
карієс, лікування лазером, озон, хемомеханічний метод, caries, laser treatment, ozone, chemomechanical method
Бібліографічний опис
Сучасні підходи до оперативних втручань при лікуванні патології твердих тканин зубів в клініці терапевтичної стоматології: стратегії та технології / О. В. Павленкова, С. А. Павленко, А. І. Сидорова, І. М. Ткаченко // Вісник проблем біології і медицини. – 2019. – Вип. 4, т. 1 (153). – С. 47–51.