Additional methods of examination in dentistry

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Тернопільський національний медичний університет ім. Горбачевського


The manual in a concise and accessible form outlines the key points of the diagnostic process in dentistry based on the spectrum of the described methods, the indications for their application, and the successful interpretation of the results. For students of the Faculty of Dentistry and doctors interns of higher medical schools.


Ключові слова

методи обстеження, судова стоматологія, ідентифікація, методы исследования, судебная стоматология, идентификация, methods of examination, forensic stomatology, identification

Бібліографічний опис

Additional methods of examination in dentistry: The textbook for individual-training of practical classes / N. V. Hasyuk, V. V. Chernyak, O. V. Klitynska [et al.]. – Ternopil, 2018. – 114 p.