Про важливість ролі куратора у формуванні професійної компетентності студентів -медиків

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Українська медична стоматологічна академія


У статті розкривається важлива роль кураторів у формуванні позитивної мотивації до майбутньої професійної діяльності студентів у системі вищих медичних закладів України. Першочергове завдання куратора академічної групи - спрямувати процес виховання в напрямку особистісно зорієнтованого виховання, використовуючи для цього сукупність взаємозалежних елементів Також акцентується увага на педагогічному підході до завдань, форм і методів, сукупність яких уможливить досягнення соціально значущої мети розвитку особистості лікаря.
В статье раскрывается важная роль кураторов в формировании позитивной мотивации к будущей профессиональной деятельности студентов в системе высших медицинских учреждений Украины. Первоочередное задание куратора академической группы - направить процесс воспитания в направлении личностно ориентированного воспитания, используя для этого совокупность взаимозависимых элементов. Также акцентируется внимание на педагогическом подходе к заданиям, формам и методам, совокупность которых дает возможность достигнуть социально значимой цели развития личности врача.
The article covers the role of tutors in the formation of positive motivation towards the future professional activity of students in the system of higher medical institutions of Ukraine. Nowadays the formation of students’ positive motivation towards their future speciality is of special importance, since in the age of cutting- edge technologies and total computerization of all types of human activities it is necessary to form professional competence, which, in its turn, stipulates moral responsibility for application of acquired knowledge in practice, medical in particular. Since the student’s personality in the higher educational institution (HEI) is the object of education, its formation should be done through awareness and the inner world of this personality, as well as the social surroundings (groupmates, teachers, room-mates in the dormitory, informal groups, etc.). Thus, apart from a qualitative training and education of the personality at the HEI, social surroundings and contemporaneity influence greatly on the formation of ideology of young people. Any faculty in any HEI, medical in particular, has the task to provide the students with qualitative educational services, able to form the high professionalism and further awareness of their role as a specialist in the community, as well as multidimensional humanistic education, aiming at formation of student’s personal properties, based on the present value system. Consequently, a tutor takes a special place in the interacting concepts, mentioned above, who is the mediator between the student and the Dean’s office; the student and the teacher, and sometimes between the student and the student. The problems of first-year students’ adaptation to study at the medical HEIs are first connected with the readiness of the individual to change the conditions of activity. The term “readiness” has two meanings: training - formation of readiness to do future tasks; readiness - presence of competence, abilities and skills, required to perform the assigned tasks. The important role in the formation of professional competence of the medical students is assigned to tutors. The school of tutors in the HSEE of Ukraine “Ukrainian Medical Stomatological Academy” exists since 1967, based on the Statute of a Tutor. The core and organizer of process of education is the Board of Tutors, which includes the Vice-Rector on Liberal Education and Educational Work, principal tutors of the faculties, tutors of academic groups. The main purpose of tutors’ activity is to form the personality of a future physician, to create favorable conditions for development and self- realization of every young individual, formation in them strict civic stand. The tutors’ activity with students of 1-3 years of study considerably differs from the tutors’ activity with students of 4-6 years of study. Tutors of junior students help them to adapt to study at the academy and form the team of academic group; monitor the discipline and progress in studies; carry out organizational and educational and cultural work; promote healthy life-style. Tutors of senior students pay more attention to individual and vocational work, activation of scientific work; motivate students to improve the acquired skills on the clinical departments by means of their engagement into scientific fellowships, participation in the scientific conferences, development of desire for learning, self-dependency, initiative, etc. It is known by experience that among the various types of activity, which are widely used by the tutors of the academy, the preference is made to formation of professional skills of student, since it is considered one of the major factors in making up of personality and specialist. First and foremost task of the tutor of academic group is to turn the educational process in the direction of person-oriented education by means of the complex of inter-related elements (formation of professional skills, national-patriotic, cultural, artistic, ecological, physical aspects), finally able to form socially active, well-conditioned, intellectual wealthy and skilled specialist. Students’ participation in charitable actions and voluntary movements is particular importance in the process of education of future physicians, since humanism and empathy are the fundamentals of their professional activity. It facilitates their personal perception of universal values, training the responsibility for life and health of each person.


Ключові слова

професійна компетенція, куратор, особистість, виховна робота, професійні якості, фахівець, профессиональная компетенция, куратор, личность, воспитательная работа, профессиональные качества, специалист, professional competence, a tutor, personality, educational work, professional skills, specialist

Бібліографічний опис

Тихонова О. О. Про важливість ролі куратора у формуванні професійної компетентності студентів – медиків / О. О. Тихонова // Вісник проблем біології і медицини. – 2013. – Вип. 3, т. 2 (103). – С. 70–73.