Морфологічні зміни в яєчках щурів після вживання ехінацеї пурпурової

dc.contributor.authorШарапова, О. М.
dc.contributor.authorШарапова, Е. Н.
dc.contributor.authorSharapova, E. N.
dc.description.abstractВ даній роботі автором досліджені морфологічні зміни в яєчках щурів, що вживали 7% спиртову настоянку ехінацеї пурпурової, у порівнянні з контрольними тваринами. Доведено, що морфологічна структура тканини яєчок тварин, які вживали імуномодулятор, значно не відрізнялася від структури контрольних тварин. У просвіті сім’яних канальців спостерігався активний процес сперматогенезу зі статевими клітинами на різних стадіях розвитку. Середній діаметр сім’яних канальців яєчок щурів суттєво не відрізнявся в усіх групах тварин.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractВ данной работе автором исследованы морфологические изменения в яичках крыс, которые употребляли 7% спиртовую настойку эхинацеи пурпурной, в сравнении с контрольными животными. Доказано, что морфологическая структура ткани яичек животных, употреблявших иммуномодулятор, значительно не отличалась от структуры яичек контрольных животных. В просвете семенных канальцев наблюдался активный процесс сперматогенеза с клетками на разных стадиях развития. Средний диаметр семенных канальцев яичек крыс существенно не отличался во всех группах животных.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractThe search of drugs that improve the morphological condition of the testicles of humans and animals that have been subjected to the action of harmful factors of the external environment, in particular the electromagnetic field is the actual problem of modern morphology today. The author in this study tried to investigate the effects of 7% alcohol tincture of Echinacea purpurea by identifying morphological changes in testicles of rats. The aim of the study was to determine the morphological changes in testicles of rats after using them immunomodulator — 7% alcohol tincture of Echinacea purpurea. Experimental group consisted of 40 white rats-males weighing 180-200 g, control group — 6 males. Animals of the experimental group was administered intragastrically 7% alcohol tincture of Echinacea purpurea based 0,0018 ml/g weight of the animals for five days. After the experiment in 30 and 45 days the animals were euthanized by cervical dislocation, the animals were removed from the testes. Methylene blue and sodium tetraborateusedduring the manufacture of histological preparations for coloring the slices. The preparations were photographed using digital camera and microscope «LEICA CME» (lens Plan 4x ∞/-, 10x x/0.25, 40x x/0.65 ∞/0.17). Micromorphometric study of the objects was carried out on the complex, composed of microscope «LEICA CME», digital camera Olympus with five-megapixel matrix, which is connected to the microscope by system of adapters of the same company. The large diameter of convoluted seminiferous tubules of the testes is expected. The results of the study were evaluated using the methods of variation statistics. It was ascertained during the investigation that the morphological changes were taking place in the animals’ testes injected immunomodulator. Those changes slightly differed from the structure of the control animals’ testes. Tunica albuginea of testicles was of the same structure as in the testes of the animals of the control group, the cell dissemination was not observed. Convoluted seminiferous tubules are closely adjoined to each other, have rounded or oval forms. The layers of basal membrane retained its orientation, edematous effects were not observed, there was not a delamination of basal membrane. 4-5 spermatogenic epithelial layers, where germ cells at all stages of the spermatogenic cycle: spermatozoon, spermatocytes, spermatids 1, 2 order and spermatozoa are determined on the basal membrane. The gametes at all stages development were present in greater numbers comparing with the control animals’ testicles in sight of the microscope. The large diameter average values of the rats’ tests convoluted seminiferous tubules consumed the immunomodulator increased in comparison with the animals’ control group to 0,262±0,037 mm (p<0,005). It attested the improvement in the testicles’ spermatogenic function. Moderate venostasis in the arterial and venous link of the testicular ovarian blood stream was observed in rats after application of Echinacea purple tincture in 30 and 45 days. Mild arterial edema was manifested more than in the venous bed in the structure of the rats’ microcirculatory bed of testicles after their using of immunomodulator. Desmosome contacts recovered between Sertolli cells. Cells of Sertolly had pycnotic nuclei with several nucleoli. The spermatocytes and spermatids at different stages of differentiation were adjoined on lateral surfaces of the bay-like recess of Sertolli cells. Mature spermatozoa were in the lumen of the tubules tails forward. Sertolli cells fully perform all of the functions that are inherent in interstitial endocrinocytes: produce testosterone, substances that contribute to its formation. They regulated reducing of production of follicle stimulating hormone so.uk_UA
dc.identifier.citationШарапова О. М. Морфологічні зміни в яєчках щурів після вживання ехінацеї пурпурової / О. М. Шарапова // Вісник проблем біології і медицини. – 2018. – Вип. 3 (145). – С. 333–335.uk_UA
dc.publisherПолтавський державний медичний університетuk_UA
dc.subjectсім’яні канальціuk_UA
dc.subjectсперматогенні клітиниuk_UA
dc.subjectехінацея пурпуроваuk_UA
dc.subjectсеменные канальцыuk_UA
dc.subjectсперматогенные клеткиuk_UA
dc.subjectэхинацея пурпурнаяuk_UA
dc.subjecttincture of Echinacea purpureauk_UA
dc.subjectconvoluted seminiferous tubulesuk_UA
dc.subject.udc616.6 - 007.1 - 06: 613. 168: 615. 37uk_UA
dc.titleМорфологічні зміни в яєчках щурів після вживання ехінацеї пурпуровоїuk_UA
dc.title.alternativeМорфологические изменения в яичках крыс после употребления эхинацеи пурпурнойuk_UA
dc.title.alternativeMorphological changes in the testicles of rats after the use of echinacea purpureauk_UA


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