The use of various models of chronic immobilization stress in experimental studies

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Wydawnictwo Aluna


Introduction: Stress is defined as a complex of protective and disturbing responses ofthe organism, generated in the process of the evolution, which occur as a result of neuroendocnne and metabolic alterations in response to the impact of emergency or pathological factors. Hence, stress is an important link ofthe adaptive mechanism; however, its adverse course can contribute to pathogenesis of many diseases. The problem of stress, which has been understudy foryears, is still a relevanttopicto be investigated. Aim: The paper was aimed at comparison of various models of chronic immobilization stress based on the published data and findings from our own research. Materials and Methods: The comparative analysis ofthe various techniques of chronic immobilization stress simulation in rats has been carried out on the basis of published data and findings of our own studies. Results: It has been shown that the model, proposed by the investigators from the Ukrainian Medical Stomatological Academy aids in reducing the time of experimental study, does not require sophisticated equipment and the use of additional stressors, at nighttime, in particular, as well as enables animals'restraint in the convenient morning time. Conclusions: This technique is easy-to-use and can be applied while studying the influence ofthe immobilization stress on the body.


Ключові слова

stress, immobilization, rats

Бібліографічний опис

Koptev M. M. The use of various models of chronic immobilization stress in experimental studies / M. M. Koptev, N. I. Vynnyk // Wiadomosci Lekarskie. – 2017. – T. LXX, № 3, cz. II. – P. 619–621.