Оцінка віддаленої динаміки біохімічних та імунологічних маркерів ротової рідини у пацієнтів з хронічним герпетичним стоматитом, які потребують дентальної імплантації
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Українська медична стоматологічна академія
У статті наведені результати лабораторних досліджень ротової рідини у віддалених термінах спо-
стереження після призначення лікувально-профілактичного комплексу напередодні проведення дентальної імплантації свідчать про відсутність метаболічних порушень, зокрема, ферментних систем та антиоксидантного захисту в ротовій порожнині пацієнтів із хронічною герпетичною інфекцією.
В статье приведены результаты лабораторных исследований ротовой жидкости в отдаленных сроках наблюдения после назначения лечебно-профилактического комплекса накануне проведения дентальной имплантации свидетельствуют об отсутствии метаболических нарушений, в частности, ферментных систем и антиоксидантной защиты в ротовой полости пациентов с хронической герпетической инфекцией.
Chronic herpetic viral infection (ChHVI) is an actual problem of health protection of all over the world, and is conditioned by involvement of 95% planet population. The herpes simplex virus promotes development of primary herpetic infection in the oral cavity and a recurrent form – chronic herpetic stomatitis (ChHS). The problem of secondary adentia is actual today, and its presence results in ChHS exacerbation and is an contra-indication for the dental implantation as a factor of post-operation complications development. Therapy of patients suffering from ChHVI is a difficult task, because it is hardly controlled. Therefore the actual method is search for methods of prevention and treatment of ChHVI with the use of specific anti-viral drugs of common action and local immune modulator taking into account influence on the basic pathogenetic links of disease under conditions of dental implantation. The purpose of research is estimation of efficiency of developed treatment-and-prophylactic complex at the remote terms after conducting dental implantation in patients with chronic herpetic infection. Objects and methods of research. The research was conducted within 2015–2017, 70 patients suffering from ChHVI at the age 18–45 years old were observed and operated. All the patients were divided into two groups: the I group (n=35) was administered the treatment-and-prophylactic complex (TPC) with drug Amixin® according to the prevention scheme before surgery and antidysbiotic drug Quertulin according to treatment scheme at the post-operative period. The II group (n=35) was conducted the similar measures without the use of the complex. The control group consisted of 35 persons. The oral fluid of patients in 6 and 12 months after the TPC administration and conducting the implantation was examined for catalase, elastase, lysocyme and urease activity, level of malonic dialdehyde and АP-index. Results of researches and their discussion. In 6 and 12 months after TPC administration and conducting dental implantation in patients of both groups there was observed oral cavity homeostasis stabilization, which was proved by dynamics of oral fluid markers, which reached the level of control group. The dynamics of enzymes activity, level of malonic dialdehyde and value of АP-index testify to efficiency of conducted medical measures, however, do not eliminate a possibility of exacerbation of herpetic infection in some patients in future. But the level of possible deviations of indicated laboratory markers of oral fluid did not differ from the control group. The results of remote terms of supervision testify to absence of metabolic violations, in particular, enzymatic systems and antioxidant defense in the oral cavity of patients with chronic herpetic infection. Prospects of future researches in this direction. Development of diagnostic algorithm for therapy efficiency estimation of patients with chronic herpetic stomatitis during dental implantation with the usage of treatment andprophylactic complex is planned.
В статье приведены результаты лабораторных исследований ротовой жидкости в отдаленных сроках наблюдения после назначения лечебно-профилактического комплекса накануне проведения дентальной имплантации свидетельствуют об отсутствии метаболических нарушений, в частности, ферментных систем и антиоксидантной защиты в ротовой полости пациентов с хронической герпетической инфекцией.
Chronic herpetic viral infection (ChHVI) is an actual problem of health protection of all over the world, and is conditioned by involvement of 95% planet population. The herpes simplex virus promotes development of primary herpetic infection in the oral cavity and a recurrent form – chronic herpetic stomatitis (ChHS). The problem of secondary adentia is actual today, and its presence results in ChHS exacerbation and is an contra-indication for the dental implantation as a factor of post-operation complications development. Therapy of patients suffering from ChHVI is a difficult task, because it is hardly controlled. Therefore the actual method is search for methods of prevention and treatment of ChHVI with the use of specific anti-viral drugs of common action and local immune modulator taking into account influence on the basic pathogenetic links of disease under conditions of dental implantation. The purpose of research is estimation of efficiency of developed treatment-and-prophylactic complex at the remote terms after conducting dental implantation in patients with chronic herpetic infection. Objects and methods of research. The research was conducted within 2015–2017, 70 patients suffering from ChHVI at the age 18–45 years old were observed and operated. All the patients were divided into two groups: the I group (n=35) was administered the treatment-and-prophylactic complex (TPC) with drug Amixin® according to the prevention scheme before surgery and antidysbiotic drug Quertulin according to treatment scheme at the post-operative period. The II group (n=35) was conducted the similar measures without the use of the complex. The control group consisted of 35 persons. The oral fluid of patients in 6 and 12 months after the TPC administration and conducting the implantation was examined for catalase, elastase, lysocyme and urease activity, level of malonic dialdehyde and АP-index. Results of researches and their discussion. In 6 and 12 months after TPC administration and conducting dental implantation in patients of both groups there was observed oral cavity homeostasis stabilization, which was proved by dynamics of oral fluid markers, which reached the level of control group. The dynamics of enzymes activity, level of malonic dialdehyde and value of АP-index testify to efficiency of conducted medical measures, however, do not eliminate a possibility of exacerbation of herpetic infection in some patients in future. But the level of possible deviations of indicated laboratory markers of oral fluid did not differ from the control group. The results of remote terms of supervision testify to absence of metabolic violations, in particular, enzymatic systems and antioxidant defense in the oral cavity of patients with chronic herpetic infection. Prospects of future researches in this direction. Development of diagnostic algorithm for therapy efficiency estimation of patients with chronic herpetic stomatitis during dental implantation with the usage of treatment andprophylactic complex is planned.
Ключові слова
хронічна герпетична вірусна інфекція, дентальна імплантація, хроническая герпетическая вирусная инфекция, дентальная имплантация, chronic herpetic infection, dental implantation, oral fluid, glycoproteins, sialic acids, interleukins, treatment-and-prophylactic complex
Бібліографічний опис
Романова Ю. Г. Оцінка віддаленої динаміки біохімічних та імунологічних маркерів ротової рідини у пацієнтів з хронічним герпетичним стоматитом, які потребують дентальної імплантації / Ю. Г. Романова, А. В. Біда // Вісник проблем біології і медицини. – 2017. – Вип. 4, Т. 2 (140). – С. 244–247.