Структурно-пространственная организация эпителиальных компонентов небных желез у новорожденного и взрослого человека
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АМН СССР, Всесоюзное научное общество анатомов, гистологов, эмбриологов, издательство "Медицина", Ленинградское отделение
By means of plastic reconstruction peculiarities in structure and spatial organization of the palatal glands have been revealed in newborns and mature persons. Mor-phometrical analysis has been performed in serial semithin sections stained with toluidin blue. The palatal gland ducts in the newborn are presented as a system of epithelial tubules with a gradually enlarged external and internal diameters and wall thickness towards direction of saliva flow. In the excretory ducts of the newborn sharp dilatations, facilitating to delay and accumulation of the secretion are not revealed. In the excretory ducts system in the mature person certain changes in the wall thickness are revealed and a number of narrowed and dilated areas have been found; they probably effect the secretion rate. This, in its turn, should produce some effect on the definite composition of saliva.
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Бібліографічний опис
Максимук Ю. А. Структурно-пространственная организация эпителиальных компонентов небных желез у новорожденного и взрослого человека / Ю. А. Максимук, О. А. Шерстюк // Архив анатомии, гистологии и эмбриологии. – 1990. – Т. XCIX (99), № 7. – С. 92–96.