Аналіз показників пролікованих учасників операції об’єднаних сил серед населення Кременчуцького району Полтавської області
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Полтавський державний медичний університет
Проаналізовано результати пролікованих учасників операції об’єднаних сил у 2016 році 341 людина, у 2017 – 499 чоловік і у 2018 році 629 людей. Абсолютний приріст склав 288 пацієнтів, темп приросту
– 84,5 %.
Доведено, що за вказаний період найбільш часто зустрічається патологія, встановлена як основний діагноз у пацієнтів – це ураження нервових корінців та сплетінь – 42 %, дорсалгії – 17 %, наслідки інфаркту мозку
– 14,6 %. Мабуть, негативні фактори навколишнього середовища для обстеженої групи пацієнтів є і детермінуючими, і модифікуючими, так як серед пацієнтів є хворі як з дебютом захворювання, так і з хронічними
формами захворювань, які тривалий час протікають. Рекомендується враховувати факт і тривалість перебування військовослужбовців на територіях з високим
рівнем впливу негативних факторів середовища для формування груп ризику по нозологічним формам захворювань
Population health is one of the most informative indicators that reflect the quality of the habitat. One can call the set of already known external factors that shape the health of the population, but this issue requires further study. An increase in the prevalence of any disease can be considered as an indicator of the adverse effects of the environment in which the person is located. In this study, they are participants in the operation of the combined forces. Diseases associated with the influence of adverse factors are considered as unfavorable environmental conditions for participants in the operation of the combined forces. Environmental factors, which act as the main cause of the disease, are regarded as determinants; if the environmental factors change the clinical picture, the severity and course of the disease, without being their main cause, they are modifying. Given the many causes of chronic diseases, it is very difficult to differentiate specific etiological factors in the development of the disease. Analyzed the results of the treated participants of the operation of the combined forces in 2016, 341 people, in 2017 – 499 people and in 2018 629 people. The absolute increase was 288 patients, the growth rate was 84.5%. It has been proven that during this period the most common pathology, established as the main diagnosis in patients, is a lesion of the nerve roots and plexuses – 42%, dorsalgia – 17%, the effects of cerebral infarction – 14.6%. Perhaps, the negative environmental factors for the examined group of patients are determinative and modifying, as there are patients among patients with both the debut of the disease and chronic forms of diseases that take a long time. It is recommended to take into account the fact and duration of the stay of service men in territories with a high level of influence of negative environmental factors for the formation of risk groups for nosological forms of diseases.
Population health is one of the most informative indicators that reflect the quality of the habitat. One can call the set of already known external factors that shape the health of the population, but this issue requires further study. An increase in the prevalence of any disease can be considered as an indicator of the adverse effects of the environment in which the person is located. In this study, they are participants in the operation of the combined forces. Diseases associated with the influence of adverse factors are considered as unfavorable environmental conditions for participants in the operation of the combined forces. Environmental factors, which act as the main cause of the disease, are regarded as determinants; if the environmental factors change the clinical picture, the severity and course of the disease, without being their main cause, they are modifying. Given the many causes of chronic diseases, it is very difficult to differentiate specific etiological factors in the development of the disease. Analyzed the results of the treated participants of the operation of the combined forces in 2016, 341 people, in 2017 – 499 people and in 2018 629 people. The absolute increase was 288 patients, the growth rate was 84.5%. It has been proven that during this period the most common pathology, established as the main diagnosis in patients, is a lesion of the nerve roots and plexuses – 42%, dorsalgia – 17%, the effects of cerebral infarction – 14.6%. Perhaps, the negative environmental factors for the examined group of patients are determinative and modifying, as there are patients among patients with both the debut of the disease and chronic forms of diseases that take a long time. It is recommended to take into account the fact and duration of the stay of service men in territories with a high level of influence of negative environmental factors for the formation of risk groups for nosological forms of diseases.
Ключові слова
нозологія, проліковані учасники, навколишнє середовище, nosology, treated participants, environment
Бібліографічний опис
Гавловський О. Д. Аналіз показників пролікованих учасників операції об’єднаних сил серед населення Кременчуцького району Полтавської області / О. Д. Гавловський // Вісник проблем біології і медицини. – 2019. – Вип. 2, т. 2 (151). – С. 220–223.