Personality typological aspects and cerebellum study
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Cerebellum study ethnical aspect in Iran can be illustrated by the work on studying the intracranial hypertension as well as cerebellar symptoms appealing at Lhermitte-Duclos disease Ethno-age aspect: work on antiglyadine antibodies study at sporadic idiopathic glulhenic ataxy of the adult . Eth no-gender age aspect of cerebellum study in Iran can be demonstrated by following works: about infratentorial area (includes cerebellum and brain stem) study in 22—38-yeared healthy women and the ones suffering from disseminated (multiple) , about creating the questionnaires that allow performing the correlations between physical and mental health at multiple sclerosis . We did not meet any works about cerebellum study in Iraq, cerebellum physiology in Iran, cerebellum functions assessment in Iranian and Iraqi students that made our work subject.
Ключові слова
сerebellum, еthno-age aspect
Бібліографічний опис
Personality typological aspects and cerebellum study / E. V. Tкachenko, Mohamed Ardalan, Hossein Ardalan, Ahmed Almagri // Медичні науки: напрямки та тенденції розвитку в Україні та світі : зб. тез наук. праць, м. Одеса, 19–20 червня 2015 р. – Одеса, 2015. – С. 129–130.