Вплив мазі альтанової на морфологічний стан тканин пародонта щурів із спонтанним пародонтитом

dc.contributor.authorЧечотіна, Світлана Юріївна
dc.contributor.authorЧечотина, Светлана Юрьевна
dc.contributor.authorChechotina, S.
dc.description.abstractНаведено результати гістологічного дослідження тканин пародонта білих щурів із спонтанним пародонтитом при лікувальному застосуванні мазі альтанової 2 %. Показано, що морфологічна структура тканин пародонта щура принципово не відрізняється від аналогічного утворення у людини. Застосування мазі альтанової протягом 10-ти днів для лікування спонтанного пародонтиту в щурів викликало фіброти-зацію пародонта через посилений синтез колагену фібробластами, що сприятиме ущільненню зв’язкового апарату зуба. Представлены результаты гистологического исследования тканей пародонта белых крыс со спонтанным пародонтитом, которых лечили мазью альтановой 2 %. Показано, что морфологическая структура тканей пародонта интактных крыс существенно не отличается от аналогичного образования у человека. Применение мази альтановой на протяжении 10-ти дней для лечения спонтанного пародонтита у крыс вызывало фибротизацию тканей пародонта благодаря усиленному синтезу коллагена фибробластами, что будет способствовать уплотнению связочного аппарата зуба. The results of histological examination of periodontal tissues of white rats with spontaneous periodontitis under the application of 2 % altan ointment were presented in the study. Selection of animals with spontaneous periodontitis were carried out among rats that were kept in standard vivarium conditions on the basis of an objective condition of the periodontal tissues: hyperaemia, swelling of the gums, availability of interdental spaces, periodontal pockets and tooth mobility. All animals were divided into three groups (ten in each group): the first group - intact control, the second group - control pathology (animals with spontaneous periodontitis), the third experimental group - rats with spontaneous periodontitis, treated with altan ointment gingival healing bandage. The treatment course was 10 days. The histology unit of tissue with mandibular molar were collected for reaseach. The sections were stained with hematoxylin-eosin, Van Gison’s picrofuchsin method with Harts solution. Glycoproteins and proteoglycans were detected by histochemical method in sections were stained with periodic acid-Schiff (PAS) with alcian blue. In addition, oxytalan and elaunin specific variants of proelastic fibers were defined. In the periodontal tissues of intact rats stained with hematoxylin-eosin were detected the periodontal spaces, which were restricted by the cement of the tooth root and alveolar processes. Periodontum consist of fascicles of collagen fibers, which were obliquely and radially directed to these structures, reaching the apex of the tooth root. The collagen fibres oriented to the horizontal direction in the region of the toot neck were formed the circular ligament of the tooth. The surface layer of collagen fibers reaches epithelium. It represents cells which have a stellar form, cling close to each other, and homogeneous intre cellular substance are between them. Collagen fibers were intensively stained by Alcian blue that suggested about presence of large amounts of glycosaminoglycans. PAS-reaction are less marked that indicated about presence of negligible amount of glycoproteins. It was not find elastic fibers after staining with Hart solution. It was locate thin oxytalan fibers after staining aldehyde fuchsin with peracetic acid oxidation, which directed parallel to the tooth root and perpendicularly to the fascicles of collagen fibers. The same trend have elaunin fibers. The layer of friable connective tissues are located between compact collagen fibers, which were pierced by blood and lymphatic capillaries. Blood vessels have a sinuous form. The morphological structure of the periodontal tissues of the intact rat are not fundamentally different from similar formation in humans. It was find a different cells in periodont of rats. It was shown both the destructive changes in the bone tissue of alveolar processes and ligamentous apparatus, and the regenerative processes in histological preparation in rats with spontaneous periodontitis. Intercellular processes of fibroblasts ere significantly thickened, collagen fibers were swollen. It was observed destruction of bone tissue in the form of resorption compartment. Osteoclasts were form around them. It was lack fiber ligamentum attachment to bone in these areas. Bone of the alveolar socket were with extended bone - marrow cavities and distinguished film, like osteoporosis. In the periodontal ligament near attachment to the cement of the tooth it was seen cellular elements. Collagen fibers of circular ligamentum were with ruptured in some areas, mucous membrane of alveolar processus were with globocellular infiltration that suggested about presence chronic inflammation in periodontum tissues. In rats with periodontitis treated with the altan ointment during 10 days were detected the same morphological changes to the spontaneous periodontitis. It was observed a moderate swelling of collagen fibers, but their consolidation in some cases. Bone tissue have irregular staining. It was detected areas with hypercementosis. Such effects were indicated about occurrence of fibrotic process in periodontum tissues due increased of collagen synthesis by fibroblasts, that will provide a consolidation of ligamentous apparatus of tooth in the future.uk_UA
dc.identifier.citationЧечотіна С. Ю. Вплив мазі альтанової на морфологічний стан тканин пародонта щурів із спонтанним пародонтитом / С. Ю. Чечотіна // Вісник проблем біології і медицини. – 2013. – Вип. 2 (100). – С. 275–278.uk_UA
dc.identifier.otherУДК 615. 454. 1 + 616. 314. 17 - 092. 9
dc.publisherВищий державний навчальний заклад України «Українська медична стоматологічна академія»uk_UA
dc.subjectтканини пародонта щурівuk_UA
dc.subjectспонтанний пародонтит,uk_UA
dc.subjectмазь альтановаuk_UA
dc.subjectткани пародонта крысuk_UA
dc.subjectспонтанный пародонтитuk_UA
dc.subjectмазь альтановаяuk_UA
dc.subjectperiodontal tissues of ratsuk_UA
dc.subjectspontaneous parodontitisuk_UA
dc.subjectaltan ointmentuk_UA
dc.titleВплив мазі альтанової на морфологічний стан тканин пародонта щурів із спонтанним пародонтитомuk_UA
dc.title.alternativeВлияние мази альтановой на морфологическое состояние тканей пародонта крыс со спонтанным пародонтитомuk_UA
dc.title.alternativeEffect of the altan ointment on morphological condition of periodontal tissues in rats with spontaneous periodontitisuk_UA


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