To the question on importance of typologies taking into consideration under physiological and pathological conditions by own research data and side experience
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Monterrey, Mexico: Mendez Editores
The present article is dedicated to analyzing the necessity of typological aspects taking into account under physiological and pathological conditions by literary and own research data received in the foreign students and in the dental patients. 23 Iranian students-guys demonstrated an asymmetric functioning
of gustatory analyzer (by different tastes perception, maximally by the bitter one) and
mimic expression whereas 23 women showed more bilateral functioning. Left- handed students had right masseter and mimic muscles stronger development while right-handed – on the contrary. Left-handed patients from Poltava Regional Hospital had left-sided dystopy both on permanent occlusion and on the third molars while left-handed patients – the right-sided one. Left-handers had bigger retention on
permanent occlusion than the right-handers. Retention was not determined in ambidexters. Left-handed patients exhibited left first incisive special dystopy while right-handed patients – the one of the right first incisive. The students amounts were 30, 25, 15 and 50 correspondingly – 120 as a whole. The distribution on
interhemispherical asymmetry individual profile was as follows as: 50 left-handers,
50 right-handers and 20 ambidexters. According to our results received the real dexters had only orthognathic and prognathic occlusions. Orthogenic occlusion was dominant in the real sinisters. The hidden sinisters did not have any physiological occlusion types but had biprognathic and deep occlusion in the equal correlation. The unreal sinisters had orthognathic, prognathic and biprognathic occlusions. The
ambidexters did not have occlusion physiological types but had a practically equal
distribution in opisthognathic and crossing occlusion. Orthognathic occlusion was dominant in the Egyptian, Iranian and Iraqi students while deep occlusion – in the Ukrainian ones. Deep and orthognathic occlusion were dominant in the guys and the progenic one was absent in them. Biprognathic occlusion was insignificantly dominant in the girls while the orthognathic and the deep ones were absent in them.
Ключові слова
differential Psychology, differential psychophysiology, personalizorthognathy, pedagogical sciences, dentistry, typological aspects, symmetry/asymmetry, dental status, physiological occlusions, malocclusions pathological occlusions, orthognathy, prognathy, orthogeny, biprognathism, opistognathism, crossing occlusion, deep occlusion, retentions dystopies, foreign students, Ukrainian students, taste perception, gustatory receptors, taste, masseter, mimic muscles, interhemispherical asymmetry individual profile, left-handedness, sinistrality, left-handers, sinisters, real left-handers, real sinisters, hidden left-handers, hidden sinisters, unreal left-handers, unreal sinisters, right-handedness, dexterity, right-handers, dexters, ambidextrism, ambidexters, gender
Бібліографічний опис
Sartipi H. N. To the question on importance of typologies taking into consideration under physiological and pathological conditions by own research data and side experience / H. N. Sartipi, E. V. Tkachenko, M. Aqib // Scientific Collection “InterConf”, №. 92: with the Proceedings of the 1st International Scientific and Practical Conference “Recent Advances in Scientific World” (December 18–19, 2021). – Monterrey, Mexico : Mendez Editores, 2021. – P. 450–453.