The role of modern methods of intern’s training to practical classes
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Education as a process is one of the most important types of intellectual work. The topical problem is to increase the efficacy of pedagogical process, to train professional and cultural oriented individuality of interns who have world outlook, ability to intellectual and specialized creativity. New requirements which are determined by introduction of our country to European and World space and reforming of Medical education system and new requirements put difficult tasks before instructors during practical training of future specialists. It assists in the role of pedagogical excellence and his/her abilities to manage correctly pedagogical process during intern’s training as highly-qualified experts.
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Бібліографічний опис
The role of modern methods of intern’s training to practical classes / V. I. Ilchenko, K. V. Pikul, K. Y. Prilutsky [et al.] // Матеріали 14 Всеукраїнської науково-практичної конференції з міжнародною участю, присвяченій 60-річчю ТДМУ, 18-19 травня 2017 р. – Тернопіль, 2017. – С. 317–319.