Фізичний розвиток студентів та його зв’язок із станом їхнього здоров’я
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Українська медична стоматологічна академія
В статті представлено дослідження фізичного розвитку у відповідності із станом здоров’я студентів, а також ґрунтовне вивчення цілої низки критеріїв, котрі включають в себе показники захворюваності, фізичної підготовленості та працездатності, рівень функціонування основних систем організму та ступінь опірності організму щодо несприятливих чинників. Встановлено, що з віком питома вага захворювань, характерною рисою яких є хронічний перебіг патологічного процесу, поступово зросла. В їх структурі найбільш поширеними є хвороби опорно-рухового апарату, хвороби нервової системи та органів чуття, серед останніх превалювали порушення функціонального стану зорової системи. У структурі захворюваності з тимчасовою втратою працездатності суттєво переважали хвороби органів дихання, захворювання органів травлення, хвороби шкіри; В статье представлено исследование физического развития в соответствии с состоянием здоровья студентов, а также углублённое изучение целого ряда критериев, которые включают в себя показатели, физической подготовлености и работоспособности, уровень функционирования основных систем организма и степень сопротивляемости организма неблагоприятным факторам. Установлено, что с возрастом удельный вес заболеваний, характерной чертой которых является хронический ход патологического процесса, постепенно выросла. В их структуре наиболее распространенными являются болезни опорно-двигательного аппарата, болезни нервной системы и органов чувств, среди последних превалировали нарушения функционального состояния зрительной системы. В структуре заболеваемости со временной потерей работоспособности существенно преобладали болезни органов дыхания, заболевания органов пищеварения, болезни кожи; Material for assessing health status and characteristics of morpho-functional state of the body has been processed by examining the results of the survey of young boys and girls, aged 17-20 years, obtained on the basis of the use of a specially developed questionnaire, consisting of question of the subjective and objective nature relating to health, physical development and morbidity. The assessment of the spread of diseases with a temporary disability has found that 17.6 % and 24.3 % of boys and girls at age of 17, 3,3 % and 17,6 % of boys and girls at age of 19, and 11,0 % and 6,6 % of boys and girls at age of 20 were ill over 4 times a year; 14,3 % and 25,5 % of boys and girls at age of 17, 21,2 % of boys and girls at age of 19 and 3,3 % and 21,3 % of boys and girls at age of 20 were ill over 3 times a year; 24,3 % and 15,3 % of boys and girls at age of 17, 15,6 % and 25,5 % of boys and girls at age of 19 and 23,1 % and 30,5 % of boys and girls at age of 20 were ill over 2 times a year; 26,6 % and 10,0 % of boys and girls at age of 17, 13,3 % and 16,6 % of boys and girls at age of 19 and 20,0 % and 16,6 % of boys and girls at age of 20 were never ill. In the structure of chronic diseases the most common among the students were diseases of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue, namely, flat-footedness and violation of posture, the second place took eye disease, among which spasm of accommodation and astigmatism has prevailed, the third place was given to diseases of the circulatory system due to systolic noise and vegetative-vascular dystonia in the girls, and eating disorders and metabolic disorders due to diffuse nontoxic goiter, hypoplasia and delayed physical development in the boys. In the age group of 17 years the structure of diseases remained similar to the previous among girls, and endocrine diseases, eating disorders and metabolic disorders due to pubertal gynecomastia and pubescence retardation among boys; third place took the disease of digestive organs due to functional disorders of the stomach and biliary dyskinesia. In the 20-year-old boys and girls, regardless of gender differences, the first place left for diseases of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue, due to flat-footedness, scoliosis and scoliotic posture, the second place remained for the pathology of circulatory system due to neurocirculatory dystonia, the third place - eye diseases due to myopia and a spasm of accommodation. The density of diseases of the locomotor apparatus was 37.1%, 49.7 % and 43,45 among boys aged 17, 19 and 20 years and 33.3 %, and 38.6 % and 47.7 % among girls, aged 17, 19 and 20 years old, respectively. The frequency of eye diseases was 18.0 %, 3.8 % and 9.9 % among boys aged 17, 19 and 20 years and 17.7 % , 17.1 % and 7.7 % among girls aged 17, 19 and 20 years old, respectively. The density of individuals, experienced chronic diseases of the endocrine and digestive systems, was somewhat less. Endocrine diseases, disorders of nutrition and metabolic disorders, were inherent to 13.3 % and 13.1 % of 17 year-old boys and girls, 20.6 % and 7.7 % of 19 year- old boys and girls, 10.4 % and 4.4 % of 20 year- old boys and girls, diseases of the digestive system - for 8.0 % of 17 year- old boys, 11,3 % of boys, aged 19 years, 10.5 % of 20 year-old boys and 7.0 % of girls aged 20 years. The density of chronic diseases of the circulatory system comprised 8.0 % and 15.8 % among boys and girls aged 17 years, 4.5 % and 9.3 % among boys and girls aged 20 years. The density of chronic respiratory diseases - 11.0 % and 9.3 % among 17 year -old boys and girls, 7.5 % and 4.8 % among 19 year-old boys and girls and 7.9 % and 8.9 % among 20-year-old boys and girls. The density of urinary excretory system varying between 0 % to 3.1 % among boys and from 4.2 % to 5.1 % among girls. Correlative components of health of boys and girls at the age of 17, 19, 20 years old, enrolled in university courses I and II showed that the most significant relationship with the characteristics of the health indicators were on the level of adaptation (r = 0,52-0,71; p < 0.05-0.01), the number of diseases of temporary disability (r = 0.720.75; p < -0.001), presence of chronic visceral pathology registration rate (r=0.78-0.79; p < -0.001), features a character education in school (r = 0,49-0.72; p-0.001-0.05 < ) and neuro-emotional tension during the execution of daily training activity (r=0,52-0.68; p < 0,05-0,01), the overall assessment of the housing and household conditions (r = 0.62-0.73; p < 0.05), features of the relations in the family (r = 0.65-0.66; p < 0.01), duration of night sleep (r = 0,52-0.67; p < 0,05-0,01), features the feeling at the end of a school day and week (r = 0.55-0,77; 0,05-r < 0.001), level of distribution in pupils environment such harmful habits like smoking (r=0.60-0.72; p < 0.05-0.001). It was established that with age the density of diseases, a characteristic feature of which is the chronic course of pathological process, gradually increased. Correlation between characteristics of the health and physical development of students had figures on the level of adaptation, the number of diseases with a temporary disability, the presence and frequency of exacerbations of chronic pathology registration.
Ключові слова
здоров’я, студенти, фізичний розвиток, захворюваність, здоровье, студенты, физическое развитие, заболеваемость, health, student, physical development, morbidity
Бібліографічний опис
Харченко О. В. Фізичний розвиток студентів та його зв’язок із станом їхнього здоров’я / О. В. Харченко // Вісник проблем біології і медицини. – 2015. – Вип. 2, т. 1 (118). – С. 313–316.