To the question on distant learning peculiarities and approaches to it in foreign students taking into account their belonging to human typologies


We paid our attention to foreign students’ physiological and psychological peculiarities taking into account their belonging to various typologies in a row of works for instance The students were from different countries, both of medical and dental faculties, of Russian and English education forms. We took into account such typologies as interhemispherical asymmetry individual profile (sinistrality, dexterity, ambidextrism), gender, age, temperament, ethnic belonging, control locus (external, internal), behavioral strategies (coping, avoiding). Also we were trying to distinguish and to assess peculiarities and approaches to foreign students study taking into account their belonging to human typologies.


Ключові слова

physiological, human typologies, ZOOM

Бібліографічний опис

Tkachenko E. V. To the question on distant learning peculiarities and approaches to it in foreign students taking into account their belonging to human typologies / E. V. Tkachenko, V. N. Sokolenko // Scientific Research in XXI Century : proceedings of the 5th International Scientific and Practical Conference, (July 6–8 2020),Ottawa, Canada. – Ottawa : Methuen Publishing House, 2020. – P. 16–20.