Сучасний стан суспільства вимагає здорового способу життя
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Анотація. У статті розглянуті визначення та види здоров'я, поняття психології та соціології здоров'я. Доведено, що в Україні – украй низький рівень освіти населення з питань здорового способу життя, як і рівень обізнаності наших громадян щодо ризиків розвитку інфекційних та хронічних неінфекційних хвороб. Показники захворюваності підростаючого покоління з кожним роком погіршуються. Профілак-
тика захворюваності й пропаганда здорового способу життя має стати економічно вигідною державі та співвітчизникам. Там, де існує страхова медицина, «бухгалтерією здоров’я» займаються страхові компанії. Вони аналізують стан здоров’я населення на певній території, показники захворюваності, досліджують
шкідливі фактори (наприклад, концентрацію викидів канцерогенних речовин у повітря підприємствами), медичні й екологічні ризики, і відповідно вибирають, від яких хвороб страхуватимуть населення, а від яких зазнають значних збитків.
Summary. The definitions and types of health, the concepts of psychology and sociology of health are considered in the article. It is proved that in Ukraine there is an extremely low level of education of the population on healthy lifestyle issues, as well as the level of awareness of our citizens about the risks of infectious and chronic non-communicable diseases. The incidence rates of the younger generation are deteriorating every year. Prevention of disease and promotion of healthy lifestyles should become economically viable for thestate and compatriots. Where insurance medicine is available, health insurance is the responsibility of insurance companies. They analyze the health status of the population in a particular territory, the incidence rates, investigate harmful factors (eg, the concentration of carcinogens in the air by businesses), medical and environmental risks, and choose from which diseases the population will be insured and from which they suffer significant losses. Elements of the proposals as a healthy lifestyle are the following basic elements: fruitful work, a rational mode of work and rest, no bad habits, optimal motor mode, personal hygiene, tempering, rational nutrition. Productive work is an important element of a healthy lifestyle. Various human needs are fulfilled in the work activity, professional and creative opportunities are growing. Working and resting is a necessary element of a healthy lifestyle. When properly and strictly adhered to, a clear and necessary rhythm of functioning of the organism is produced, which creates optimal conditions for work and rest, and thus contributes to the promotion of health, improvement of working capacity. The absence or eradication of bad habits (smoking, alcohol, drugs) is the next link in a healthy lifestyle. These health disorders are the cause of many diseases, they dramatically shorten life expectancy, reduce working capacity, adversely affect the health of the younger generation and the health of future children. Of particular importance is the mode of the day. The regime implies proper alternation of work and rest, regular meals. Particular attention should be paid to sleep – the main and no substitute type of rest.
Summary. The definitions and types of health, the concepts of psychology and sociology of health are considered in the article. It is proved that in Ukraine there is an extremely low level of education of the population on healthy lifestyle issues, as well as the level of awareness of our citizens about the risks of infectious and chronic non-communicable diseases. The incidence rates of the younger generation are deteriorating every year. Prevention of disease and promotion of healthy lifestyles should become economically viable for thestate and compatriots. Where insurance medicine is available, health insurance is the responsibility of insurance companies. They analyze the health status of the population in a particular territory, the incidence rates, investigate harmful factors (eg, the concentration of carcinogens in the air by businesses), medical and environmental risks, and choose from which diseases the population will be insured and from which they suffer significant losses. Elements of the proposals as a healthy lifestyle are the following basic elements: fruitful work, a rational mode of work and rest, no bad habits, optimal motor mode, personal hygiene, tempering, rational nutrition. Productive work is an important element of a healthy lifestyle. Various human needs are fulfilled in the work activity, professional and creative opportunities are growing. Working and resting is a necessary element of a healthy lifestyle. When properly and strictly adhered to, a clear and necessary rhythm of functioning of the organism is produced, which creates optimal conditions for work and rest, and thus contributes to the promotion of health, improvement of working capacity. The absence or eradication of bad habits (smoking, alcohol, drugs) is the next link in a healthy lifestyle. These health disorders are the cause of many diseases, they dramatically shorten life expectancy, reduce working capacity, adversely affect the health of the younger generation and the health of future children. Of particular importance is the mode of the day. The regime implies proper alternation of work and rest, regular meals. Particular attention should be paid to sleep – the main and no substitute type of rest.
Ключові слова
здоровий спосіб життя, культура здоров'я, фізичне здоров'я, соціологія здоров'я, соціальне здоров'я, психічне здоров'я, healthy lifestyle, culture of health, physical health, mental health, social health, sociology of health
Бібліографічний опис
Харченко Н. В. Сучасний стан суспільства вимагає здорового способу життя / Н. В. Харченко, А. В. Костріков, Ю. П. Ющенко // Молодий вчений. – 2020. – № 2 (78). – С. 76–79.