Стан окислювально-антиоксидантного гомеостазу в підшлунковій залозі та крові у щурят, матері яких протягом вагітності отримували незбалансоване харчування з дефіцитом поживних речовин

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Полтавський державний медичний університет


У новонароджених щурят активність пероксидного окислення ліпідів (ПОЛ) підвищена, а антиоксидантної системи (АОС) – зменшена. У 1-місячних щурят виявлена активація ПОЛ і АОС з ознаками недостатності її фізіологічного резерву для призупинення процесів ПОЛ. У 2-місячних щурят активність ПОЛ без змін, активність АОС дещо підвищена. Дані свідчать про значущість порушень оксидантно-антиоксидантного гомеостазу в патогенезі ушкодження ПЗ у щурів при дефіциті поживних речовин в пренатальному періоді.
новорождённых крысят активность перекисного окисления липидов (ПОЛ) повышена, а антиоксидантной системы (АОС) – снижена. У 1-месячных крысят выявлена активация ПОЛ и АОС с признаками недостаточности её физиологического резерва для приостановки процессов ПОЛ. У 2-месячных крысят активность ПОЛ не изменена, активность АОС несколько повышена. Данные свидетельствуют о значимости нарушений окислительно-антиоксидантного гомеостаза в патогенезе повреждения ПЖ у крыс при дефиците питательных веществ в пренатальном периоде.
Among current problems of modern medicine the pancreas diseases have the essential specific gravity. The main attention of researchers is concentrated on studying of different aspects of acute and chronic pancreatitis. However there are insufficiently studied questions concerning the functional condition and the mechanisms of lesion of the pancreas in children whose fetal development took place under the conditions of action of adverse factors of the external environment on the mother during her pregnancy. One of such factors is an unbalanced nutrition with the deficiency of protein and other nutrients. Among the lesion mechanisms of pancreacitis at various pathology of the pancreas an oxidative stress owing to the disorder of the oxidative and antioxidative homeostasis (OAH) is essential. However its role in the pathogenesis of lesion of the pancreas at the action of negative exogenous factors on the mother-fetus system is studied insufficiently. The objective of the study is to study the peculiarities of the oxidative and antioxidative homeostasis in the pancreas and the blood serum of the posterity of rat mothers who received unbalanced nutrition with the deficiency of nutrients during their pregnancy. The objects and the methods of the study. The experimental study on 42 nonlinear white rats of WAG/G Sto is conducted. The condition of the oxidative and antioxidative homeostasis in the tissue of the pancreas is investigated in 37 rats (18 newborns, 9 one-month-old and 10 two-month-old rats), in the blood serum it is investigated in 23 rats (10 one-month-old and 13 two-month-old rats). The POL activity is determined according to the content of diene conjugates (DC) and malondialdehyde (MDA), the AOS activity is determined according to the activity of superoxide dismutase (SOD) on the Stat Fax 303 Plus biochemical analyzer and catalase (CAT) on the SF-46 spectrophotometer. The results of the study. The increase of the content of DC (for 9,3%, р<0,01) and MDA (for 69,2%, р<0,01) is discovered in newborn infant rats. The ratio of these indicators is reduced by 36,9% (р<0,01) that demonstrates primary accumulation of the POL by-products. The level of AOS indicators is significantly lower than in the animals of the control group (decrease of the SOD and CAT activity for 23,3% and 23,6% (р<0,01) respectively) that reflects the lack of the protective mechanisms directed at conservation and support of the homeostasis in the organism, and development of an oxidative stress. In 1-month-old infant rats the level of the OAH lesion in the pancreas is less than in newborns due to the lower POL activity and the increase of the AOS activity but its physiological reserve is insufficient for suspension of the POL processes which developed in the prenatal period and therefore for prevention of structural changes in pancreacitis. In 2-month-old infant rats the POL activity isn’t changed, the AOS activity is moderately increased due to the increase of the CAT activity that is sufficient for prevention of accumulation of Н2О2 that is toxic for cells in the tissue of the pancreas. In the blood serum the level of the OAH lesion both in 1-month-old and in 2-month-old infant rats is higher than in the pancreas due to the larger activation of POL and the decrease of AOS activity that causes the development of a systemic oxidative stress owing to the lesion of not only pancreas but also other organs. Conclusions. The hypocaloric diet of pregnant rats with the deficiency of nutrients has its negative effect on the OAH in the pancreas and the blood serum of their posterity the changes of which cause the lesion of cellular membranes and intracellular structures. They can be one of the important links of the pathogenesis of prenatal lesion of the pancreas that is potentially unsafe for the development in the post-natal period of not only its functional disorders and also its organic pathology.


Ключові слова

окислювально-антиоксидантний гомеостаз,, гіпокалорійна дієта, підшлункова залоза, потомство щурів, окислительно-антиоксидантный гомеостаз, гипокалорийная диета, поджелудочная железа, потомство крыс

Бібліографічний опис

Ніколаєва О. В. Стан окислювально-антиоксидантного гомеостазу в підшлунковій залозі та крові у щурят, матері яких протягом вагітності отримували незбалансоване харчування з дефіцитом поживних речовин / О. В. Ніколаєва, В. А. Сіренко, О. О. Павлова // Вісник проблем біології і медицини. – 2018. – Вип. 3 (145). – С. 149–152.