Problems of diabetic foot syndrome treatment and possible ways of their solution


A number of patients with diabetes mellitus worldwide increases with geometric progression, which means that a number of complications increases as well. Diabetic foot syndrome is the leading cause of early disability of patients. Therefore, the search for new therapeutic tactics is a constant process that motivates surgeons and in turn opens new opportunities in the treatment of various forms of purulent-necrotic processes in patients with diabetes mellitus. Therapy with negative pressure is one of the most promising nowadays. A number of conducted randomized clinical trials have already proved its effectiveness in practice. The use of vacuum therapy as an integral component of the combined treatment of purulent-necrotic lesions in diabetic foot syndrome can significantly accelerate reconvalescence and reduce % of high amputations in the future.


Ключові слова

diabetes mellitus, vacuum therapy of wounds, wound process, diabetic foot syndrome, цукровий діабет, синдром діабетичної стопи, вакуумна терапія ран, рановий процес, сахарный диабет, вакуумная терапия ран, раневой процесс, синдром диабетической стопы

Бібліографічний опис

Problems of diabetic foot syndrome treatment and possible ways of their solution / O. O. Kyzymenko, V. I. Lyakhovskiy, T. V. Gorodova-Andreeva, O. M. Liulka, O. V. Zaporozchenko // Art of medicine. – 2018. – Т. 4 (8). – С. 98–101.