Конструкция кровеносного микроциркуляторного русла небных слюнных желез крысы
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АМН СССР, Всесоюзное научное общество анатомов, гистологов, эмбриологов, издательство "Медицина", Ленинградское отделение
Owing to multilayer graphic reconstruction, it was possible to state that resistance and capacitance microvessels of the palatal salivary glands are localized within the lamina propria of the palatal mucous membrane. The structural principle of blood transport and distribution is performed by a closed arteriolar system in which separate modules are distinct. In an individual module area there are tightly packed 5—6 glandular lobes, 1 or 2 of them are not connected with the gland which is completely within the limits of the module. The network of the canals delivering and distributing blood among the modules has a concentric-radial form. Every precapillary arteriole, passing in interlobular connective tissue layer towards the center — the collecting vein — delivers blood to two halves of the adjoining lobes. At various levels of organization of the vascular microcirculatory bed in the rat palatal salivary gland, canals with a predominant blood flow are revealed and functional appraisal for each is given. The palatal salivary gland lobe is noted to correspond most fully to our idea of the elementary autonomic secretory unit.
Ключові слова
кровеносное микроциркуляторное русло, небные слюнные железы, крыса, кровоносне мікроциркуляторне русло, піднебінні слинні залози, криса, microcirculatory vascular bed, palatal salivary glands, rat
Бібліографічний опис
Костиленко Ю. П. Конструкция кровеносного микроциркуляторного русла небных слюнных желез крысы / Ю. П. Костиленко // Архив анатомии, гистологии и эмбриологии. – 1980. – Т. LXXVІІІ(78), № 2. – С. 59–67.