Гістоцитотопографія імуннокомпетентних клітин піднижньощелепних слинних залоз людини та деяких лабораторних тварин
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Вищий державний навчальний заклад України «Українська медична стоматологічна академія»
В роботі за допомогою імунногістохімічних методів дослідження встановлено гістоцитотопо-
графію імуннокомпетентних клітин, які приймають участь у імунних відповідях в нормі. З’ясовані особли-
вості розташування цих клітинних елементів у піднижньощелепних слинних залозах людини, собаки, кролів,
щурів, морських свинок. Проведено порівняльно-морфологічний аналіз клітинних елементів, які приймають
участь в місцевій імунній відповіді у піднижньощелепних слинних залозах людини та деяких лабораторних
тварин; В работе при помощи имуногистохимических методов исследования установлена гис-
тоцитопография имунокомпетентных клеток, которые принимают участие в имунных ответах в норме.
Верифицированы особенности размещения этих клеточных элементов в поднижечелюстных слюнных железах человека, собаки, кроликов, крыс, морских свинок. Проведен сравнительно-морфологический анализ клеточных элементов, которые принимают участие в местном иммунном ответе в поднижечелюстных
слюнных железах человека и некоторых лабораторных животных; Nowadays the problem of the immune defense reducing is very important. Actually, the immune
defense reducing may be associated with the influence of various external and internal environmental factors. The
aim of the study was to determine histocytotopographycal features of immunocompetent cells in submandibular
salivary glands of men, dogs, rats, rabbits, Guinea pigs.
The submandibular salivary glands of the human (male), rats, rabbits, dogs, Guinea pigs (males) were used
while carrying out the research. Immunohistologic and chemical staining was conducted according to the protocols
of the TermoScientific company (USA) applying the visualization system Quanto and DAB Chromogen and
counterstained by Mayer hematoxylin. Markers CD 3, CD 20, CD 68, CD 138 were used in research. After all stages of
immunohistologic and chemical reaction histological sections were examined by two morphologists independently
and the intensity of cytoplasmic brown staining was evaluated using the light microscope (magnification x1000, oil
immersion) and each case was analyzed from 10 to 15 fields of view.
The immunohistologic and chemical study of histologic specimens of the human submandibular salivary
glands has determined that topographically СD3-positive cells were located periacinally in the end departments,
intraepithelially in striated ducts and in the gland stroma they were next to the blood vessels. In Guinea pig the
immunocompetent cells were located mainly in the form of periacinal accumulations both protein and mixed acini.In flow system СD3-positive cells have formed periductal groups of 2-3 cells. In the gland stroma of Guinea pig
these cells, in terms of 10 fields of view were not observed. In the salivary gland of the rabbits СD3-positive cells
were detected only between epitheliocytes of striated ducts and singly in the parenchyma of the gland. In the
submandibular salivary gland of dogs this type of immunocompetent cells was visualized periacinarly in the end
divisions and perivascularly in stroma. In rats СD3-positive cells were clearly visualized only intraepithelially within
striated ducts.
СD20-positive cells that belong to B-lymphocytes subpopulation were located predominantly periacinarly in
the end departments and perivascularly in gland stroma. In Guinea pig they were located periacinarly in the end
departments and periductally in incerted and striated ducts. In rabbits they were located only within the acini. In
dogs they were located periacinarly as the component of the end divisions and periductally as the component of
inserted ducts. In rats they were visualized periductally as the component of striated and granular ducts.
Macrophages (CD68-positive cells) were visualized on the histological human specimens between granulocytes
of the end departments, periductally as the component of striated ducts and in the same structures in the form of
intraepithelial macrophages.
In Guinea pigs and rabbits they were not visualized. In dogs they were located periacinarly in serous and
mixed acini. In rat they were visualized not only periacinarly as the component of the end departments, but also
periductally as the component of striated ducts and perivascularly next to the stromal microvessels, which indicated
the different mechanisms of the primary immune response.
Plasmacytes (СD138-positive cells) as effectors of humoral immunity on the human specimens of salivary
glands histocytotopographycally and in small amount were visualized periacinarly as the component of the end
departments, intraepithelially as the component of the incerted ducts, periductally and intraepithelially as the
component of striated ducts. Among the stromal elements these cells were not detected. In Guinea pig, on the
contrary, the macrophages have formed the accumulations in periacinar end departments and periductally were
visualized as the components of striated ducts. Histological specimens of rabbits and dogs СD138-positive cells
were visualized periacinarly as the component of the end departments and in dogs − perivascularly next to stromal
vessels. In rats these immunocompetent cells were visualized intraepithelially as the component of the striated
1. Considering histocytotopography of immunocompetent cells of submandibular salivary glands of humans
and laboratory animals the different duration and mechanism of the immune response can be observed.
2. Histocytotopographic location of mature T-lymphocytes in the structural components of the human
submandibular salivary glands are similar to those in dogs and Guinea pigs.
3. Localization of B-lymphocytes in the structural elements of the human submandibular salivary gland is similar
to those in dogs, Guinea pigs and rabbits.
4. Macrophages, as antigen modifiers, similarly to human in the submandibular salivary glands are located in
dogs and rats periacinarly in end departments.
Ключові слова
піднижньощелепна слинна залоза, імуннологістохімічні маркери, імуннокомпетентні клітини, поднижечелюстная слюнная железа, имуннокомпетентные клетки, имунологические маркеры, submandibular salivary gland, immunohistologic markers, immunocompetent cells
Бібліографічний опис
Білаш В. П. Гістоцитотопографія імуннокомпетентних клітин піднижньощелепних слинних залоз людини та деяких лабораторних тварин / В. П. Білаш // Вісник проблем біології і медицини. – Полтава, 2017. – Вип. 2 (136). – С. 265–268.