Диференціальна діагностика дерматогліфічних особливостей у пацієнтів з ішемічною хворобою серця і хронічною хворобою нирок
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MMHS, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Prediction genetically predisposed people to heart and kidney failure is an actual problem. Dermatoglyphics can be one of the basic research in this area. The purpose of the study was to determine the features of dermatoglyphics in the patients with coronary heart disease and chronic kidney disease with chronic renal failure for making differential diagnosis. The object of the study were 25 patients (45-77 y.o.) with chronic coronary heart disease and 20 patients (42,65 ± 0,71 y.o.) with chronic kidney disease. Investigation and treatment of the patients was carried out in accordance with the standards. Dermatoglyphic study was conducted by the method of fingerprinting surfaces phalanges, using paint. Statistical methods of evaluation findings included parametric and non-parametric statistical methods. Results. The prevalence of ulnar loops on fingers of right hand was typical feature for patients with chronic kidney disease and radial loops on fingers of right hand for patients with coronary heart disease. The predominance of racemates from ulnar loops scallops on the left and right hands was a distinctive sign for the patients with chronic kidney disease in compare to the patients with coronary heart disease. Dissymmetry of scallops in the patients with coronary heart disease was characterized by predominance of radial loops on fingers of right hand in compare with left; predominance of ulnar loops on fingers of left hand in compare with right. Thus, quantity of different types of scallops, their dissymmetry or racemates on fingers of the left and right hands are basis for differential diagnosis between patients with coronary heart disease and chronic kidney disease.
Ключові слова
dermatoglyphics, diagnosis, heart and kidney diseases
Бібліографічний опис
Kulishov S. K. Differentiatial Diagnosis of Dermatoglyphic Peculiarities in the Patients with Coronary Heart Disease and Chronic Kidney Disease / S. K. Kulishov, O. M. Iakovenko //Book of Abstracts Proceedings International Conference on “Medical, Medicine and Health Sciences” (MMHS-2016), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 18–19 January 2016. – p. 15.