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Вищий державний навчальний заклад України «Українська медична стоматологічна академія»
Розроблена програма запобігання розвитку неоплазій, яка базується на вивченні вірогідних пускових механізмів ініціації онкогенезу. Акцентована увага на ліквідації гіпоксії, хронічних осередків інфекції, проведенні детоксикаційно-дренажної терапії і достатній функціональній активності систем захисту організму – імунної та антиоксидантної; Разработана программа сдерживания развития неоплазий, которая базируется на изучении вероятных пусковых механизмов инициации онкогенеза. Акцентировано внимание на ликвидации гипоксии, хронических очагов инфекции, проведении детоксикационно-дренажной терапии и достаточной функциональной активности систем защиты организма – иммунной и антиоксидантной; In modern terms much of Ukraine’s population receives health care at the primary stage. Oncological diseases, together with cardiovascular, are prominent as a cause of mortality of highly developed countries. In connection with this problem there is an urgent need to emphasize primary health care activities to prevent the development of cancer and a unified system of prevention, early diagnosis and rehabilitation of cancer patients. Oncogenesis – a complex cascade process, which involves molecular and genetic mechanisms, the prospects of which largely depends on the immune system. This leads to increased free radical peroxidation processes (FRPO) lipids, immunosuppression, direct carcinogenic (mutagenic) actions. As a result, there oncogenic muta tions related to genes of growth factors, receptors for them, the genes responsible for DNA repair after damage, reducing the activity of the immune system, the main function of which is maintaining the stability of the genotype, the sharp increase in the share of glycolysis, which reduces the proportion of aerobic-mitochondrial oxidation. As a result – a violation of cellular respiration, inhibition of detoxification function of liver and kidney. The total program of preventive measures to curb the development of neoplasia, which obviously has to perform every person under the control of family doctors is as follows: 1. To avoid exposure to factors that increase free radical processes of lipid peroxidation and suppress immunity. 2. Get enough sleep (melatonin synthesis). Melatonin (M) is synthesized from the pineal gland essential for human amino acid tryptophan, which enters the body with food. Synthesis of M depends on the light and is under the action of enzymes, the activity which affects the lighting mode. For antioxidant activity equivalent to M key link antioxidant defense system – a system tocopherol. According to M stimulates the immune system. The most effective for the prevention of breast cancer and prostate. 3. Remediation of foci of infection (odontogenic, tonsils, etc.), including worm infestation. Especially pay at tention to family doctors worm infestations, which can masquerade as many diseases – from dysbiosis allergy and asthma, from respiratory diseases to migraine. 4. Elimination of renovation hypoxia and respiratory function enzymes. The leading role in the energy production in the cells mitochondria play (MH). It mitochondrial dysfunction plays a crucial role in implementing the damaging action of toxicants of different nature, especially on those organs and tissues, which are characterized by a high level of energy metabolism. Now increased attention paid to initiate oncogenesis hypoxia. 5. Periodic detoxification, drainage therapy. 6. Keep a sufficient level of functional antioxidant defense system of the body. 7. Observe the rules of anti-cancer food. The program of measures shall not apply to prevent tumor process caused by hereditary factors, but signifi cantly inhibits progression. The authors have high hopes for primary link of health care for the implementation of this program, which is of particular social importance and requires significant funding, but only education work.
Ключові слова
онкогенез, мутагенні чинники, вільнорадикальне перекисне окиснення, ендотоксикоз, гіпоксія, детоксикаційно-дренажна терапія, антиоксиданти, онкогенез, мутагенные факторы, свободнорадикальное перекисное окисление, эндотоксикоз, гипоксия, детоксикационно-дренажная терапия, антиоксиданты, oncogenesis, mutageneic factors, free-radical peroxidization, endotoxycosis, hypoxia, detoxical and drainal therapy, antioxidants
Бібліографічний опис
Васько Л. М. Загальні превентивні заходи щодо стримування розвитку неоплазій / Л. М. Васько, Т. О. Жукова, В. Ф. Почерняєва // Вісник проблем біології і медицини – 2017. – Вип. 1 (135). – С. 235–238