Ефективність підходу до організації фізкультурно-спортивної роботи зі студентами на основі використання різних ігрових моделей суперництва і співпраці у міні-футболі
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Кам'янець-Подільський національний університет імені Івана Огієнка
Авторами статті висувають припущення про те, що використання в практиці фізкультурноспортивної роботи зі студентами різноманітних, гуманістично орієнтованих ігрових моделей суперництва і співробітництва сприятиме реалізації особистісно зорієнтованого підходу до організації цієї роботи, підвищенню думки студентів про цінності фізкультурно-спортивної діяльності, їх інтересу до занять фізкультурою і спортом.
The authors of the article assume that practical appliances of different humanistically targeted game models of rivalry and cooperation in physical and sports activities for the students will definitely contribute to the implementation of a personality-aimed approach to the organization of the sports activity, will increase students' awareness of sports values in their life and in education itself. During the pedagogical experiment the author's program developed by V.I. Stoliarov was implemented in the field of the usage of various forms in the game competition and cooperation in sports activity for the students in mini-football. The program facilitates the implementation of both traditional models of organizing competitions in mini-football and humanistically targeted game models of rivalry and cooperation. The selection of forms of organization of game competition and cooperation was carried out with the focus on humanistic values, efficiency, innovative character and the possibility to use those forms in the specific conditions of the specified university. As the success and optimum efficiency of physical and sports activity for students largely depends on their level of readiness as future specialists of such kind of work, thus their proper training must be provided.
The authors of the article assume that practical appliances of different humanistically targeted game models of rivalry and cooperation in physical and sports activities for the students will definitely contribute to the implementation of a personality-aimed approach to the organization of the sports activity, will increase students' awareness of sports values in their life and in education itself. During the pedagogical experiment the author's program developed by V.I. Stoliarov was implemented in the field of the usage of various forms in the game competition and cooperation in sports activity for the students in mini-football. The program facilitates the implementation of both traditional models of organizing competitions in mini-football and humanistically targeted game models of rivalry and cooperation. The selection of forms of organization of game competition and cooperation was carried out with the focus on humanistic values, efficiency, innovative character and the possibility to use those forms in the specific conditions of the specified university. As the success and optimum efficiency of physical and sports activity for students largely depends on their level of readiness as future specialists of such kind of work, thus their proper training must be provided.
Ключові слова
фізкультурно-спортивна робота, ефективність організації
Бібліографічний опис
Шаповал Є. Ефективність підходу до організації фізкультурно-спортивної роботи зі студентами на основі використання різних ігрових моделей суперництва і співпраці у міні-футболі / Є. Шаповал, О. Донець, О. Петришин // Педагогічна освіта: теорія і практика : зб. наук. праць. – 2019. – Вип. 27. – С. 141–145.