Стоматологічний статус пацієнтів із дисколоритами зубів
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Українська медична стоматологічна академія
Вивчення особливостей стоматологічного статусу пацієнтів з дисколоритами коронкової частини зуба викликає підвищений науковий інтерес. У статті дана оцінка стоматологічного статусу, що охоплює гігієнічний стан, інтенсивність і поширеність захворювань твердих тканин, маргінального періодонта і слизової оболонки порожнини рота в пацієнтів із дисколоритами зубів. Установлено, що патологічні зміни в порожнині рота в пацієнтів із дисколоритами зустрічаються частіше, ніж у групі порівняння, що надалі дозволить розробити конкретні рекомендації з профілактики та комплексного лікування стоматологічних захворювань у даного контингенту пацієнтів.
One of the important problem of orthopedic prosthetics is aesthetic dental treatment with permanent discoloration. A number of researchers found that the the frequency of teeth discoloration in young patients is about 89%. Aim of the work: To evaluate the dental status of patients with teeth diskoloration due to various reasons. Objects and methods. The study involved 210 patients who applied to the dental clinic with complaints of teeth discoloration. Patients were divided into 3 groups: the first group included patients aged 20-29, the second group of patients aged 30-39, the third group of patients aged 40-49. All patients had a standard dental examination, which included a definition: prevalence and intensity of dental caries index DMF; determining the frequency and structure of non-carious lesions of hard tissues of teeth; structure of lesions of the oral mucosa; assess the hygienic condition of the oral cavity using OHI-S (JC Green, JR Vermillion, 1964); periodontal index - PI (A.Russell, 1956); Papillary Bleeding Index (PBI, Muhlemann HP, 1971); papillary-marginal-alveolar index (PMA, Parma C., 1960). All the results were recorded in the history case of the patient (form 043 / y) and a specially designed individual patient's registration card. Statistical analysis was performed using the method of variation statistics for each of a number of values with the calculation of the arithmetic mean value (M), an error arithmetic means value (m), the Student coefficient (T) and the probability of differences at p <0.05. Results and discussion. Analyzing complaints that were treated with teeth discoloration we found an increase in their frequency in the second and third groups in the comparison with the first group. Differences in the frequency of recurrent aphthous stomatitis in groups (14%, 16.9%, 24.3% in I, II and III, respectively), the presence of the filiform papillae atrophy (10%, 16.9% and 31 4% , respectively), chronic cracked lips, teeth restoration were found. Significant differences were obtained on an index CPU (11.4, 15.6 and 18.7 in I, II and III, respectively) and the average number of missing teeth (3.2, 5.4 and 9.4 in the I, II, and group III, respectively). Erosion of teeth (72.9%), abnormal abrasion of dental hard tissues (65.7%) prevailed in patients of group III and were significantly different from these indicators in groups I and II. The greatest differences were obtained on the incidence of dental erosion, a factor which is likely to be a process of system demineralization. Index evaluation of dental status also found differences in the indices PI and PMA, while no significant differences on the index of health GV. On the one hand, it shows a similar level of personal hygiene in groups, on the other - a heavy defeat on the periodontal complex in groups II and III in comparison with the first one . All patients in the I, II and III groups with carious changes were noted. However, the intensity of caries was different. In group № III indicator intensity differed significantly from that in the groups № I and № II, 6,0 ± 0,3 and 11,5 ± 0,3 p <0.05, respectively. We noted that patients with teeth discoloration noted significantly greater periodontal destruction complex. Since PI in group № II was 3,8 ± 0,8 2,2 ± 0,7 against the patients in group № I, p <0.05. However, patients of the third group of the complex periodontal destruction was even more difficult - PI - 4,6 ± 1,2, p <0.05 as compared to groups № I and № II. Thus, pathological changes in the oral cavity in patients with teeth discoloration occur more frequently than in the comparison group. That in the future specific recommendations for the prevention and complex treatment of dental disease in this group of patients will develop.
One of the important problem of orthopedic prosthetics is aesthetic dental treatment with permanent discoloration. A number of researchers found that the the frequency of teeth discoloration in young patients is about 89%. Aim of the work: To evaluate the dental status of patients with teeth diskoloration due to various reasons. Objects and methods. The study involved 210 patients who applied to the dental clinic with complaints of teeth discoloration. Patients were divided into 3 groups: the first group included patients aged 20-29, the second group of patients aged 30-39, the third group of patients aged 40-49. All patients had a standard dental examination, which included a definition: prevalence and intensity of dental caries index DMF; determining the frequency and structure of non-carious lesions of hard tissues of teeth; structure of lesions of the oral mucosa; assess the hygienic condition of the oral cavity using OHI-S (JC Green, JR Vermillion, 1964); periodontal index - PI (A.Russell, 1956); Papillary Bleeding Index (PBI, Muhlemann HP, 1971); papillary-marginal-alveolar index (PMA, Parma C., 1960). All the results were recorded in the history case of the patient (form 043 / y) and a specially designed individual patient's registration card. Statistical analysis was performed using the method of variation statistics for each of a number of values with the calculation of the arithmetic mean value (M), an error arithmetic means value (m), the Student coefficient (T) and the probability of differences at p <0.05. Results and discussion. Analyzing complaints that were treated with teeth discoloration we found an increase in their frequency in the second and third groups in the comparison with the first group. Differences in the frequency of recurrent aphthous stomatitis in groups (14%, 16.9%, 24.3% in I, II and III, respectively), the presence of the filiform papillae atrophy (10%, 16.9% and 31 4% , respectively), chronic cracked lips, teeth restoration were found. Significant differences were obtained on an index CPU (11.4, 15.6 and 18.7 in I, II and III, respectively) and the average number of missing teeth (3.2, 5.4 and 9.4 in the I, II, and group III, respectively). Erosion of teeth (72.9%), abnormal abrasion of dental hard tissues (65.7%) prevailed in patients of group III and were significantly different from these indicators in groups I and II. The greatest differences were obtained on the incidence of dental erosion, a factor which is likely to be a process of system demineralization. Index evaluation of dental status also found differences in the indices PI and PMA, while no significant differences on the index of health GV. On the one hand, it shows a similar level of personal hygiene in groups, on the other - a heavy defeat on the periodontal complex in groups II and III in comparison with the first one . All patients in the I, II and III groups with carious changes were noted. However, the intensity of caries was different. In group № III indicator intensity differed significantly from that in the groups № I and № II, 6,0 ± 0,3 and 11,5 ± 0,3 p <0.05, respectively. We noted that patients with teeth discoloration noted significantly greater periodontal destruction complex. Since PI in group № II was 3,8 ± 0,8 2,2 ± 0,7 against the patients in group № I, p <0.05. However, patients of the third group of the complex periodontal destruction was even more difficult - PI - 4,6 ± 1,2, p <0.05 as compared to groups № I and № II. Thus, pathological changes in the oral cavity in patients with teeth discoloration occur more frequently than in the comparison group. That in the future specific recommendations for the prevention and complex treatment of dental disease in this group of patients will develop.
Ключові слова
дисколорити зубів, маргінальний періодонт, слизова оболонка порожнини рота, tooth discoloration, marginal periodontitis, oral mucosa
Бібліографічний опис
Животовський І. В. Стоматологічний статус пацієнтів із дисколоритами зубів / І. В. Животовський, Ю. І. Силенко, М. В. Хребор / Український стоматологічний альманах. – 2015. – № 4. – С. 17–20.