Доказова медицина як сучасна методологія в галузі охорони здоров’я


У статті розкрито сутність доказової медицини як сучасної методології у галузі охорони здоров’я, причини її виникнення в Україні і світі, визначено значення даних, отриманих у результаті клінічних досліджень, у повсякденній роботі лікаря. Проаналізовано та проведено порівняльний аналіз окремих ресурсів доказової медицини, визначено напрямки медичної науки, сформовані у ході розвитку доказової медицини. Наведено методичні рекомендації до занять «Медичної інформатики», «Методології наукового і патентного пошуку», на яких вивчаються окремі положення доказової медицини.
В статье раскрыта сущность доказательной медицины как современной методологии в области здравоохранения, причины ее возникновения в Украине и мире, определено значение данных, полученных в результате клинических исследований, в повседневной работе врача. Проведен сравнительный анализ отдельных ресурсов доказательной медицины, определены направления медицинской науки, сложившиеся в ходе развития доказательной медицины. Разработаны методические рекомендации к занятиям по дисциплинам «Медицинская информатика», «Методология научного и патентного поиска», на которых изучаются отдельные положения доказательной медицины.
With the adoption of the Law of Ukraine “On Higher Education”, the process of training Doctors of Philosophy in higher education and postgraduate studies is changing. At the third educational and educational level, the process of training Doctors of Philosophy is mandatory, which implies the completion of the curriculum in specialties 221 – Dentistry, 222 – Medicine, 091 – Biology. Since the main result of postgraduate study is implementation and defense of the scientific project – the dissertation, – the educational disciplines (content modules), in our opinion, should be closely integrated with the research activity of the applicant of higher education. Postgraduate study involves the implementation of individual educational and scientific plan for training Doctors of Philosophy at Ukrainian Medical Stomatological Academy, one of the components of which is the content module “Methodology of Scientific and Patent Search”. The relevance of this content module is determined by the diversity of scientific research methods, clinical research results, preventive, diagnostic and therapeutic measures. Evidence-based medicine is the latest methodology of collection, analysis and synthesis, application of scientific medical information that allows making optimal decisions. Such a method optimizes the decision-making process, improves the quality of medical care provision, reduces the financial and time costs in the diagnosis and treatment of patients. Evidence-based medicine is an approach to medical practice where decisions about the use of prophylactic, diagnostic and therapeutic measures are taken on the basis of available evidence of their effectiveness and safety, and such evidence is searchable, comparable, generalized and widespread for use in the interests of patients (Evidence Based Medicine Working Group, 1993). Some provisions of evidence-based medicine are delivered to students during the study of the following courses: “Bioethics”, “Medical Informatics” and to postgraduate students in “Methodology of Scientific and Patent Search” and “Bioinformatics”. The subject “Evidence-based medicine as a modern methodology in the field of public health” in the content module “Methodology of Scientific and Patent Search” is delivered within 10 academic hours. In the course of studying, postgraduates should acquire knowledge about the directions of medical science that have emerged in the process of evidence-based medicine development, the international experience of evidencebased medicine, the “gold standard” of evidence-based medicine, the stages of clinical research, meta-analysis, the structure of the resources of the International Cochrane Cooperation, international journals from evidence-based medicine, etc. Summarizing the foregoing, we can assert that evidence-based medicine as a modern methodology of the healthcare sector, is not sufficiently highlighted in the educational literature and does not have sufficient methodological support for the process of training specialists at the second educational level and the third educational and scientific levels of higher education. These tasks should be solved in the course of studying the disciplines of general scientific cycle. The study of the principles of evidence-based medicine should begin with bioethics and medical informatics in the first year at the institutions of higher medical education and should be accompanied by mastering the sources of scientific medical information, in particular, information resources of the healthcare system of Ukraine, the major findings of leading scientists – methodological recommendations, newsletters, innovations in the healthcare system. At the third educational and scientific level of higher medical education, the study of evidence-based medicine, as the latest methodology in the field of healthcare, continues in the course of studying the disciplines “Methodology of Scientific and Patent Search” and “Bioinformatics”. During the study of these subjects, applicants of scientific degrees must acquire knowledge of international experience in the use of evidence-based medicine, the principles of conducting clinical trials, international resources for evidencebased medicine, etc.


Ключові слова

доказова медицина, мета-аналіз, клінічне дослідження, охорона здоров’я, доказательная медицина, мета-анализ, клиническое исследование, методология, здравоохранение, evidence-based medicine, health care, medical education, postgraduate studies, methodology of scientific and patent search

Бібліографічний опис

Доказова медицина як сучасна методологія в галузі охорони здоров’я / Г. Ю. Мороховець, Ю. В. Лисанець, О. В. Сілкова [та ін.] // Вісник проблем біології і медицини. – 2018. – Вип. 4, т. 1 (146). – С. 160–166.