Морфологічні зміни пульпи при експериментальному поверхневому карієсі

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Вищий державний навчальний заклад України «Українська медична стоматологічна академія»


Характер враження та ступінь розвитку запального процесу в пульпі зуба обумовлює визначення тактики ендодонтичного лікування – пульпотомію чи пульпектомію. В роботі описані морфологічні зміни дентину та пульпи зуба при експериментальному поверхневому карієсі у щурів. Встановлено, що при поверхневому карієсі розвиваються оборотні зміни в коронковій частині пульпи зуба, в той час як цервікальна та коренева ділянки не змінюються у порівнянні з нормою.; The main reason of pulpitis development is carious process. The nature of lesion and extent of inflammatory process development causes endodontiс treatment approach i.e. pulpotomy or pulpectomy. The research objective is to study morphological changes of dental pulp in case of experimental superficial caries in rats. The research has been conducted on histochemically stained thick sections of teeth and decalcified cuts of usually stained teeth. Dental deposits and plaque are combined with the sites of superficial caries. Superficial caries is characterized by deep lesion of enamel up to enamel-dentin junction. It is observed in rats for 42-52 day of research. Microscopic researches have shown the expressed destructive changes in dentin underlying enamel: granular disintegration, dead ways existence. Uneven accumulation of basophilic granules as calcified deposits has been noted within predentin zone. Hypostasis of odontoblasts processes has been observed between predentin and odontoblasts nuclei in a site of coronal pulp. The zone of odontoblasts processes hypostasis is characterized by accumulation of edematous liquid between odontoblasts and predentin. Dentinal tubules have perpendicular orientation to a pulp and are light pink stained due to calcified deposits. Single odontoblasts processes don't reach dentinal tubules. We consider the described morphological changes to be connected with blood circulation disorders as arterial hyperemia observed directly in the pulp. Thus odontoblasts nuclei are at different distance from the apical surface of their cytoplasm. The expansion of fissures between odontoblasts promotes accumulation of edematous liquid within overodontoblasts area. There is a formation of transparent dentin in dentinal tubules. The transparent dentin is a pulp adaptation reaction, reparation sealing of separate dentinal tubules. The sites of the ostium and radicular pulp in case of superficial caries are not changed compared with the norm. Odontoblasts in the ostium have a perpendicular course to predentin. There is an imbricate arrangement of odontoblasts in radicular part. We came to the conclusion that precarious processes turn into superficial caries with its distribution on enamel-dentin junction. There is an accumulation of edematous liquid with partial destruction of odontoblasts processes in overodontoblasts space due to the local blood circulation disorders as arterial hyperemia. The formation of a transparent dentin as pulp adaptation reaction has been noted. Therefore, morphological changes of dentin and coronal pulp are reversible while there are no changes within the ostium and the root areas.


Ключові слова

пульпа, експериментальний поверхневий карієс, пульпа, экспериментальный поверхностный кариес, pulp, experimental superficial caries

Бібліографічний опис

Гринишин О. Б. Морфологічні зміни пульпи при експериментальному поверхневому карієсі / О. Б. Гринишин, Б. М. Филенко // Вісник проблем біології і медицини. – 2013. – Вип. 3, т. 2 (103). – С. 278–280.