Застосування рефлексивного управління активним навчанням на практичних заняттях з патофізіології

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Українська медична стоматологічна академія


Головне завдання технологій рефлексивного управління є управління рефлексіями тих, на кого спрямований технологічний вплив. Дана технологія дозволяє розвивати творчу активність студентів за допомогою рефлексивного управління активним навчанням на практичних заняттях з патофізіології. Використання системи методів та прийомів, що спрямовані на організацію студентів для самостійного одержання знань, засвоєння вмінь і навичок у процесі навчальної діяльності.
Главным заданием технологий рефлексивного управления является управление рефлексиями тех, на кого направлено технологическое влияние. Данная технология позволяет развивать творческую активность студентов при помощи рефлексивного управления активным обучением на практических занятиях по патофизиологии. использование системы методов и приемов, направленных на организацию студентов для самостоятельного получения знаний, усвоения умений и навыков в процессе учебной деятельности.
One of the most effective management of technology in modern technologized world is called reflexive control technology. The main objective of these technologies – management reflections of those who are focused technology’s impact on the recipients of influence. Today, there is every reason to believe that such organization studies, where the base are cognitive interest – first approximation to the formation of learning of students. Of course, the function of learning with creative fit is always current, so you need to keep it high to gradually develop a need for independent acquisition of knowledge and information. Hence the problem of creative individual students « Reflexive control of active learning in practical lessons pathophysiology» . In modern high school workshops have varied in content and method of implementation. While student learning occurs in a variety of organizational forms , practical lesson was and remains the main form of teaching. Often the term active learning are too loose, although it has a specific meaning. Many educators argue that learning itself is active and students are active even during the hearing lectures. However, studies show that students in the study have to do much more than just listen or write. Students should engage in higher-level mental operations – analysis, synthesis and evaluation. Thus, active learning – a study that focused on the use of differentforms of learning and comprehension by students of what they are doing. The purpose of training is to change and accumulation of knowledge, skills, and in preparing students – future doctor. But problems of practical classes remain the same: it’s all the same education, training and personal development and the primary means of solving these problems is cognitive activity. It is necessary to develop an effective methodical system to training was interesting and effective for all students at the Department of pathophysiology. The biggest obstacle to use active learning there is a risk that students will not participate in higher-level cognitive operations , the fear that the teacher loses control over a group or be criticized for this unorthodox style of training. To achieve this, I take the hallmarks of a successful class, which strictly adhere to their work : - A few minutes, while organizational point creates a positive emotional attitude to work all during the session ; - Speak not only to remember but also to search , research and discovery ; - Encourage students to self- select and use different ways to perform the task; - Be sure to complicate the task requirements and to enhance the creative autonomy of students; - Create an atmosphere of interest in each student’s work; - Train students to self-control and mutual ;- Comment reply teaching fellow for the following parameters: accuracy, independence, originality;- Setting homework, not only indicate its scope, but also explains in detail; - Discuss at the end of class , not only that the learned , but what likes , dislikes , and why.The main idea of my experience – formation of stable interest in the study of pathophysiology. Active learning involves the use of methods and techniques that are not aimed at students made subject knowledge, their storage and reproduction, and to organize students to obtain self-knowledge, learning skills during training activities. In any case, planned forms and methods of teaching have to like the class teacher, then the students will learn good topic.


Ключові слова

патофізіологія, рефлексивне управління, студенти, патофизиология, студенты, рефлексивное управление, pathophysiology, students, reflexive control

Бібліографічний опис

Гришко Ю. М. Застосування рефлексивного управління активним навчанням на практичних заняттях з патофізіології / Ю. М. Гришко // Вісник проблем біології та медицини. – 2013. – Вип. 4, т. 1 (104). – С. 68–70.