Частота рецидивов генитальных инфекций и других соматических заболеваний у женщин

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Полтавський державний медичний університет


Приблизно 50-75% жінок з бактеріальним вагінозом є безсимптомними. У симптоматичних жінок прояви захворювання можуть варіювати від піхви до висипу і білого грипу, інфекцій, що передаються статевим шляхом, і недоїдання під час менструації. Було проведено дослідження для вивчення характеристик кандидозу статевих органів і бактеріального вагінозу у жінок при вивченні характеристик рецидиву, менструальної характеристики і інших соматичних захворювань. Результати різних соматичних патологій і порушень менструального циклу у пацієнтів з проблемами дитинства були відносно високими в порівнянні зі здоровими жінками.
Приблизительно 50-75% женщин с бактериальным вагинозом являются бессимптомными. У симптоматических женщин проявления заболевания могут варьировать от влагалища до сыпи и белого гриппа, инфекций, передающихся половым путем, и недоедания во время менструации. Было проведено исследование для изучения характеристик кандидоза половых органов и бактериального вагиноза у женщин при изучении характеристик рецидива, менструальной характеристики и других соматических заболеваний. Результаты различных соматических патологий и нарушений менструального цикла у пациентов с проблемами детства были относительно высокими по сравнению со здоровыми женщинами.
Objective: to study the characteristics of the menstrual cycle, the frequency of recurrence of genital candidiasis, bacterial vaginosis and the incidence of other somatic diseases in women. Methods. The study involved 108 women who applied for examination and treatment in the City Women’s Consultation of the City Ganja. Of these, 20 women with chronic recurrent genital candidiasis, 29 with recurrent vaginosis, 39 with a combination of chronic recurrent candidiasis and bacterial vaginosis, as well as 20 healthy women. At the initial stage of the study, the number of recurrences of these pathologies in each group of women patients was calculated (“10-12 times”, “6-9 times”, “less than 6 times” per year). At the next stage, the frequency (number and percentage) of cases of normomenorrhea, oligomenorrhea, hypomenorrhea, hypermenorrhea, algodismenorrhea and premenstrual syndrome was calculated in the group of patients and healthy women. At the third stage, the incidence (number and percentage) of thyroid diseases, gastritis, cholecystitis, intestinal dysbacteriosis and cystitis was calculated for all women included in the study contingent on the basis of medical records. At the same time, the consent of all participants was taken to use the data for research purposes. Results. The study found that out of 20 patients with genital candidiasis relapse in the amount of 10-12 times a year (2017) occurred in 9 women, which was 45.0±11.12% of the group. Annual 10-12 one-time recurrence of the disease was observed in 17 of 29 patients with bacterial vaginitis, i.e. 58.6±9.15%, as well as in 14 of 39 women with combined pathology (chronic recurrent genital candidiasis + bacterial vaginitis), i.e. 35.9±7.68%. Recurrence of the disease 6-9 times a year was detected in 7 women with genital candidiasis, which amounted to 35.0±10.67% of the whole group. In the groups of patients with bacterial vaginosis and comorbidity (chronic recurrent genital candidiasis + bacterial vaginitis), a similar recurrence was observed in 7 (24.1±7.95%) and 21 (35.9±7.68%) women, respectively. Cases of recurrence less than 6 times a year were detected in 4 of 20 patients with chronic recurrent genital candidiasis, in 5 of 29 patients with bacterial vaginosis, and in 4 of 39 patients suffering from chronic recurrent genital candidiasis and bacterial vaginosis at the same time. It is made up of 20.0±8.94 per cent, to 17.2±7.01 percent and 10.3±4,86% from these groups. A comparative analysis of the results showed that the most undesirable data on the number of recurrences were observed in the group of patients with bacterial vaginosis (in 58.6±9.15% of cases 10-12 recurrences per year). In the samples of vaginal secretion of 20 women with chronic recurrent genital vaginosis, the mean colony-forming capacity of S. epidermidis, S. aureus, E. coli, Enterococcus, S. sapphyticus and C. albicans species was determined, which amounted to 5.90±0.28 CFU, 8.16±0.30 CFU, 7.66±0.19 CFU, 1.00±0.12 CFU, 2.16 CFU AND 2.27±0.17 CFU, respectively. In the vaginal fluid samples of 22 women who underwent another preventive examination in the women’s consultation and included us in the control group, the colony-forming ability of the species S. epidermidis, Entrococcus and S. sapphyticus was respectively 1.18±0.079 CFU, 0.024±0.002 CFU and 0.014 CFU, while for S. aureus, E. coli and Candida, this figure was 0. In the study of the nature of the menstrual cycle in the group of 22 healthy women normomenorrhea was established in 15 women (68.2%), oligomenorrhea – in 5 women (22.7%), hypomenorrhea – in 1 woman (4.5%), hypermenorrhea – in 3 women (13.6%), dysmenorrhea – in 3 women (13.6%) and premenstrual syndrome – in 6 women (27.3%). In the study of the presence of other diseases in the control group in 3 women (13.6%) revealed thyroid disease, 4 women (18.2%) – cholecystitis, 3 women (13.6%) – gastritis and 3 women (13.6) –cystitis. In a group of 20 patients with chronic recurrent genital candidiasis, thyroid pathology was established in 3 women (15%), gastritis – in 4 women (20%), cholecystitis – in 5 women (25%), intestinal dysbiosis – in 6 women (30%), cystitis – in 5 women (25%). Among 29 patients with recurrent bacterial vaginosis, thyroid pathology was found in 6 women (20.7%), gastritis – in 5 women (17.2%), cholecystitis – in 9 women (31%), intestinal dysbiosis – in 7 women (24.1%), cystitis – in 8 women (27.6%). Research in the group of 39 patients suffering from chronic recurrent genital candidiasis and bacterial vaginosis at the same time, showed the presence of thyroid pathology in 9 women (23,1%), gastritis – in 7 women (17.9 percent), cholecystitis in 8 women (20,5%), dysbacteriosis of the intestine in 8 women (20.5%) and cystitis – in 16 women (41%). Conclusion. In women with genital pathologies, the incidence of various somatic diseases and menstrual disorders was higher than in healthy women.


Ключові слова

бактеріальний вагіноз, генітальний кандидоз, соматичні захворювання, бактериальный вагиноз, генитальный кандидоз, соматические заболевания, bacterial vaginosis, genital candidiasis, somatic diseases

Бібліографічний опис

Алиева M. Б. Частота рецидивов генитальных инфекций и других соматических заболеваний у женщин / M. Б. Алиева // Вісник проблем біології і медицини. – 2018. – Вип. 3 (145). – С. 76–80.