Hepatitis A. the features of disease course in adults


Objective: The aim: To analyze the incidence of Hepatitis A in Ukraine and Poltava region and to study the clinical and epidemiological features of the course of Hepatitis A in adult patients. Patients and methods: Materials and methods: The course of HA in 96 hospitalized patients was analyzed. The diagnosis of HA was established on the basis of clinical and epide¬miological data and confirmed by the results of laboratory studies (serological and molecular biological). Results: Results: In 2019, in the Poltava region, there was an increase in the incidence of Hepatitis A with a predominance among sick people of working age, among the urban population. This part of people aged from 60 to 75 years old constitutes 9.4%. This study showed that the waterway was the dominant way of HA transmission. The course of the disease in most hospitalized patients was typical and cyclic, with a predominance of a mixed variant of the pre-jaundice period and jaundice. One third of patients survey that they had fever, which persisted with jaundice. Conclusion: Conclusions: The findings of this study indicates that the patients older than 40 years were more likely to have concomitant chronic pathology than younger patients, and Hepatitis A was more severe with the development of prolonged cholestasis, wave-like course and recurrence. In most patients under the age of 40, the course of Hepatitis A was mild, but splenomegaly and severe cytolytic syndrome were more common.


Ключові слова

atypical course, hepatitis A, jaundice

Бібліографічний опис

Hepatitis A. the features of disease course in adults / N. Pryimenko, T. Koval, T. Kotelevska, V. Bodnar, L. Syzova, O. Marchenko // Wiadomosci lekarskie. – 2023. – Vol. 76, Issue 12. – P. 2572–2578. https://doi.org/10.36740/WLek202312104