Approaches and ways improving managing the chapter “cardio-vascular system physiology” by the education foreign applicants in PSMU

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Полтавський націоналний педагогічний університет ім В. Г. Короленка


There are peculiarities of cardio-vascular system physiology teaching to the foreign applicants because of often lan guage barriers, necessity to use the languages they know better in parallel, writing low velocity with essentiality to give the materials before the lesson/s, better results if to have the tests on the board with discussing the correct answer and following writing the tests and their explanation; the authors are sure that foreign students must receive their education in a separate groups


Ключові слова

foreign applicants, foreign students, Pedagogy, Physiology, cardio-vascular system physiology, adaptation.

Бібліографічний опис

Zhukova M. Yu. Approaches and ways improving managing the chapter “cardio-vascular system physiology” by the education foreign applicants in PSMU / M. Yu. Zhukova, O. V. Tkachenko // Матеріали міжнародної науково-практичної конференції «Біологічні, медичні та науково-педагогічні аспекти здоров’я людини», м. Полтава, 2022 р. – Полтава, 2022. – С. 170–173.