Dynamics of students' fitness level while differentiating physical education classes in accordance with their health and nosology of diseases
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Aluna Publishing
The aim: Is to study the dynamics of students' physical fitness level while differentiating physical education classes in accordance with their somatic health and nosology of diseases. Materials and methods: The paper presents the results of a study of the dynamics of the physical fitness indicators of students in the process of physical education. The study involved 660 students between the ages of 17 and 25. Testing of students' physical fitness was performed using the method of control measurements. Research methods included the theoretical analysis and generalization of scientific and methodical literature, pedagogical observations, testing, pedagogical experiment, and the methods of mathematical statistics. Results: At the end of the experiment, the students of the experimental groups (both male and female) showed authentically (р<0.05–0.001) better indicators of the control tests than the students of the control groups. Conclusions: It was established that the introduction of the original program of differentiating classes in accordance with the level of students' somatic health and nosology of diseases into the process of physical education has a positive effect on their physical fitness level. This will help to improve their learning and future professional activities.
Ключові слова
students, health, differentiating physical education classes, physical fitness
Бібліографічний опис
Dynamics of students' fitness level while differentiating physical education classes in accordance with their health and nosology of diseases / G. P. Griban, О. T. Kuznіetsova, N. A. Lyakhova [et al.] // Wiadomości Lekarskie. – 2021. – Vol. LXXIV, issue 3, part 2. – P. 641–646.