Experimental Asessment of the Dynamics of Functional Measures of Female Students with the Use of Software Tools

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International Journal of Applied Exercise Physiology


On a basis of the analysis of a complex of literary sources, the authors examined the specific features of the construction of educational and training process of female football-players to be. The investigation of education experience made it possible to establish the fact that in the process of training of sportswomen to be their specific gender features are fairly often ignored and their training is carried out using the methods which were developed for men in same sports without a corresponding biomedical, psychological and educational adaptation. The measurements and statistical calculations of the integrated indices of physical development of sportswomen to be of different age groups were carried out by the authors using the educational computer program «Methods of diagnostics of functional status of human body»


Ключові слова

adaptation index, level of functional status, multi-factor differentiation, educational and training process, mini-football, medical and educational control, sensitive periods of development, health index

Бібліографічний опис

Experimental Asessment of the Dynamics of Functional Measures of Female Students with the Use of Software Tools / A. Fastivetz, A. Emetc, Y. Skrinnik [et al.] // International Journal of Applied Exercise Physiology. – 2020. – Vol. 9, № 11. – P. 119–125.