Зміни біохімічних показників ротової рідини у період адаптації до знімних пластинкових протезів, виготовлених із акрилових базисних пластмас
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Українська медична стоматологічна академія
В статті представлені результати досліджень біохімічних показників ротової рідини у період адаптації до знімних пластинкових протезів, виготовлених із акрилової пластмаси. Дослідження проводились з метою встановлення взаємодії між повними знімними протезами з акрилової пластмаси, смаковими рецепторами та іншими складовими порожнини рота в процесі адаптації пацієнтів до протезів. На підставі отриманих результатів біохімічних показників ротової рідини встановлено, що в ранні терміни адаптації до протезів (від 1 до 14 доби) на фоні зсуву кислотно-основного балансу у кислу сторону, значно зменшується активність α-амілази та лужної фосфатази і зростає активність кислої фосфатази. Показник активності лужної фосфатази зменшується у 2 рази, а показник кислої фосфатази відповідно в 2 рази зростає. Отримані дані свідчать про суттєві зміни кислотно-основного балансу в порожнині рота у період адаптації до повних знімних пластинкових протезів, виготовлених із акрилових пластмас, зміни активності ферментів ротової рідини, що може впливати на зміни смакової чутливості у пацієнтів у цей період.
В статье представлены результаты исследований биохимических показателей ротовой жидкости в период адаптации к съемным пластиночным протезам, которые изготовлены из акриловой пластмассы. Исследования проводились с целью установления взаимодействия между полными съемными протезами из акриловой пластмассы, вкусовыми рецепторами и другими составляющими полости рта в процессе адаптации пациентов к протезам. На основании полученных результатов биохимических показателей ротовой жидкости установлено, что в ранние сроки адаптации к протезам (от 1 до 14 суток) на фоне смещения кислотно-щелочного равновесия в кислую сторону, значительно уменьшается активность α-амилазы и щелочной фосфатазы и возрастает активность кислой фосфатазы. Показатель активности щелочной фосфатазы уменьшается в 2 раза, а показатель кислой фосфатазы, соответственно, в 2 раза возрастает. Полученные данные свидетельствуют о существенных изменениях кислотно-щелочного баланса в полости рта в период адаптации к полных съемным пластиночным протезам, изготовленным из акриловых пластмасс, изменениях активности ферментов ротовой жидкости, что может влиять на нарушения вкусовой чувствительности у пациентов в этот период.
The paper presents the findings of the study of biochemical indices of the oral fluid in the period of adaptation to the removable acrylic laminar dentures. Studies of many scholars show that oral fluid plays an important role in the process of adaptation to dentures and the formation of taste sensations. The following components of the oral fluid as enzymes (α-amylase, alkaline and acidic phosphatase) are involved in the digestion already in the mouth. Therefore, to achieve the objectives of the study the activity of the oral fluid enzymes that may affect the state of the gustation has been investigated. 63 edentulous patients aged 60 to 75 years who were subsequently provided with prosthetic treatment with full dentures, which bases were made from the “Ftorax” acrylic plastic, has been involved into the study. Mixed saliva was collected into graded glass tubes within 2-3 hours after meal from 12:00 to 13:00 hours over 10 minutes in sufficient amount for the present study. The activity of α-amylase in the oral fluid has been determined according to Wohlgemuth. The activity of alkaline and acidic phosphatases has been defined according to Bodanskii. Results. The activity of amylase decreased insignificantly within one day, as compared with the indices before prosthetics, followed with reduce in its activity after 3 days. During this period the lowering of the activity of the alkaline phosphatase and activation of the acidic phosphatase has been noted along with acidic shift of the hydrogen index. The difference in the activity of phosphatases on day 1 and 3 of the denture use has been found, as compared with the data before prosthetics. Within 7 days, the activity of the secretion of the salivary glands decreased: the amount of the oral fluid substantially reduced; the reduction of the velocity of salivation was noted, as compared with the data before prosthetics and within a day after application of dentures. On day 7 of the use of full dentures the activity of enzymes remained at the level of indices recorded on day 3. Insignificant difference in the indices was not reliable, as compared with the similar indices recorded on day 3 (p ≥ 0.05). However, a significant decrease in the activity of amylase and alkaline phosphatase was verified, as compared with the findings before prosthetics, as well as the significant increase in the activity of acidic phosphatase, as compared with initial data. On day 14 of the period of adaptation to the dentures the patients showed changes of the biochemical indices: the activity of amylase and alkaline phosphatase remained at the level of indices recorded on day 7, but the activity of acidic phosphatase was slightly reduced as compared with the data on the period of observation. On day 21 insignificant rise of the activity of amylase and alkaline phosphatase was noted, and their indices increased, as compared with the findings of day 7 and 14. The activity of acidic phosphatase started to decrease. All these processes took place along with stably reduced pH indicator. At the end of the period of observations changes of biochemical indices of the oral fluid were noted. The activity of amylase was recovering, approximating the indices before prosthetics. The rise of activity of alkaline phosphatase and decrease in the activity of acidic phosphatase was insignificant, though their indices differed significantly from the similar indices before prosthetics. Conclusions. The studies have found significant decrease in the activity of α-amylase and alkaline phosphatase and increase in the activity of acidic phosphatase in the early period of adaptation to dentures (1 to 14 days) along with the acidic shift of the acid-base balance. The index of the activity of the alkaline phosphatase was 2 times lower, and the index of acidic phosphatase was 2 times higher. The resulting data indicate about the significant changes of the oral acid-base balance in the period of adaptation to full laminar dentures made of acrylic plastic, and changes in the activity of enzymes of the oral fluid that can affect the patients’ gustation during this period.
В статье представлены результаты исследований биохимических показателей ротовой жидкости в период адаптации к съемным пластиночным протезам, которые изготовлены из акриловой пластмассы. Исследования проводились с целью установления взаимодействия между полными съемными протезами из акриловой пластмассы, вкусовыми рецепторами и другими составляющими полости рта в процессе адаптации пациентов к протезам. На основании полученных результатов биохимических показателей ротовой жидкости установлено, что в ранние сроки адаптации к протезам (от 1 до 14 суток) на фоне смещения кислотно-щелочного равновесия в кислую сторону, значительно уменьшается активность α-амилазы и щелочной фосфатазы и возрастает активность кислой фосфатазы. Показатель активности щелочной фосфатазы уменьшается в 2 раза, а показатель кислой фосфатазы, соответственно, в 2 раза возрастает. Полученные данные свидетельствуют о существенных изменениях кислотно-щелочного баланса в полости рта в период адаптации к полных съемным пластиночным протезам, изготовленным из акриловых пластмасс, изменениях активности ферментов ротовой жидкости, что может влиять на нарушения вкусовой чувствительности у пациентов в этот период.
The paper presents the findings of the study of biochemical indices of the oral fluid in the period of adaptation to the removable acrylic laminar dentures. Studies of many scholars show that oral fluid plays an important role in the process of adaptation to dentures and the formation of taste sensations. The following components of the oral fluid as enzymes (α-amylase, alkaline and acidic phosphatase) are involved in the digestion already in the mouth. Therefore, to achieve the objectives of the study the activity of the oral fluid enzymes that may affect the state of the gustation has been investigated. 63 edentulous patients aged 60 to 75 years who were subsequently provided with prosthetic treatment with full dentures, which bases were made from the “Ftorax” acrylic plastic, has been involved into the study. Mixed saliva was collected into graded glass tubes within 2-3 hours after meal from 12:00 to 13:00 hours over 10 minutes in sufficient amount for the present study. The activity of α-amylase in the oral fluid has been determined according to Wohlgemuth. The activity of alkaline and acidic phosphatases has been defined according to Bodanskii. Results. The activity of amylase decreased insignificantly within one day, as compared with the indices before prosthetics, followed with reduce in its activity after 3 days. During this period the lowering of the activity of the alkaline phosphatase and activation of the acidic phosphatase has been noted along with acidic shift of the hydrogen index. The difference in the activity of phosphatases on day 1 and 3 of the denture use has been found, as compared with the data before prosthetics. Within 7 days, the activity of the secretion of the salivary glands decreased: the amount of the oral fluid substantially reduced; the reduction of the velocity of salivation was noted, as compared with the data before prosthetics and within a day after application of dentures. On day 7 of the use of full dentures the activity of enzymes remained at the level of indices recorded on day 3. Insignificant difference in the indices was not reliable, as compared with the similar indices recorded on day 3 (p ≥ 0.05). However, a significant decrease in the activity of amylase and alkaline phosphatase was verified, as compared with the findings before prosthetics, as well as the significant increase in the activity of acidic phosphatase, as compared with initial data. On day 14 of the period of adaptation to the dentures the patients showed changes of the biochemical indices: the activity of amylase and alkaline phosphatase remained at the level of indices recorded on day 7, but the activity of acidic phosphatase was slightly reduced as compared with the data on the period of observation. On day 21 insignificant rise of the activity of amylase and alkaline phosphatase was noted, and their indices increased, as compared with the findings of day 7 and 14. The activity of acidic phosphatase started to decrease. All these processes took place along with stably reduced pH indicator. At the end of the period of observations changes of biochemical indices of the oral fluid were noted. The activity of amylase was recovering, approximating the indices before prosthetics. The rise of activity of alkaline phosphatase and decrease in the activity of acidic phosphatase was insignificant, though their indices differed significantly from the similar indices before prosthetics. Conclusions. The studies have found significant decrease in the activity of α-amylase and alkaline phosphatase and increase in the activity of acidic phosphatase in the early period of adaptation to dentures (1 to 14 days) along with the acidic shift of the acid-base balance. The index of the activity of the alkaline phosphatase was 2 times lower, and the index of acidic phosphatase was 2 times higher. The resulting data indicate about the significant changes of the oral acid-base balance in the period of adaptation to full laminar dentures made of acrylic plastic, and changes in the activity of enzymes of the oral fluid that can affect the patients’ gustation during this period.
Ключові слова
біохімічні показники, ротова рідина, адаптація, ферменти, знімні пластинкові протези, биохимические показатели, ротовая жидкость, адаптация, ферменты, съемные пластиночные протезы, biochemical indices, oral fluid, adaptation, enzymes, removable laminar dentures
Бібліографічний опис
Зміни біохімічних показників ротової рідини у період адаптації до знімних пластинкових протезів, виготовлених із акрилових базисних пластмас / В. Ю. Давиденко, М. Я. Нідзельський, Г. М. Давиденко [та ін.] // Вісник проблем біології і медицини. – 2017. – Вип. 4, т. 2 (140). – С. 212–215.