Досвід організації профілактики хронічних захворювань кровообігу в Україні
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Вищий державний навчальний заклад України «Українська медична стоматологічна академія»
В Україні, як і в більшості європейських країн, поширеність хронічних захворювань кровообігу є пріоритетною проблемою громадського здоров'я, які істотно впливають на тривалість життя населення, зумовлюючи третину причин інвалідності та дві третини всіх випадків смерті. Проаналізований досвід організації профілактики захворювань системи кровообігу в Україні; В Украине , как и в большинстве европейских стран , распространенность хронических заболеваний кровообращения является приоритетной проблемой общественного здоровья , которые существенно влияют на продолжительность жизни населения , вызывая треть причин инвалидности и две трети всех случаев смерти. Проанализирован опыт организации профилактики заболеваний системы кровообращения в Украине; In Ukraine, as in most European countries , the prevalence of chronic diseases of circulatory system is a priority public health problem. According to statistics of the World Health Organization (WHO) Ukraine leader among European countries in terms of mortality from cardiovascular disease (CVD ). Thus, in 2011-2012,440 thousand Ukrainians died of CVD. Studies indicate widespread risk factors for cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases in Ukraine (33.5 % of adults revealed hypertension, 56.8 % - are overweight, 44 % of men and 16.5% of women smoke). The experience of developed countries confirmed ability to control risk factors and reduce morbidity from cardiovascular disease. Through programs in Japan the death rate from stroke declined by 4 times, 2 times in Germany, in Finland the project "North Karelia" through measures against such risk factors as hypertension, smoking,hypercholesterolemia,the incidence ofcoronary heart disease among male population of working age decreased to 80 %. Ukraine has announced the strategic direction of preventive activities in national health care. From 2006-2010 it was introduced "State program of prevention of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases for 2006-2010 ", which aims - to prevent disease and reduce cardiovascular and vascular - brain disease , disability and mortality their complications , prolonging her quality of life of the population. The program helped to increase the average life expectancy, estimated to reduce mortality from stroke by 3%, coronary heart disease - up to 5 %, reduce the level of primary disability caused by cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases in the working age to 5 % in 2008 and to 10 % in 2010. Initiated and performed "The program of prevention and treatment of hypertension in Ukraine ", approved by the President of Ukraine 4.02.1999r . Number 117/ 99, interdisciplinary program " Health of the Nation" , the basis for the implementation of which was the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine № 14 dated 10 January 2002 " State program of prevention and treatment of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases for 2006-2010 " approved Cabinet of Ministers № 761 of May 31, 2006. Since its introduction more than 10 years have passed . It was assumed that after 10-12 years of focused effort can expect a decrease in mortality from cerebral stroke by 20 - 30% of coronary heart disease by 10 %, which generally leads to an increase in overall life expectancy. The initial phase of implementation of the program was aimed at identifying active patients with arterial hypertension and widespread public awareness about the disease and its consequences, the stratification of risk groups for complications , implementation of new treatment technologies , education and training of health workers, and others. Ukraine has a government social program to reduce the harmful effects of tobacco on health, approved by the Cabinet of Ministers Ukraine on September 3, 2009 number 940, and as a result over the past 4 years, the number of smokers in Ukraine has decreased by 17%. Commitment to a healthy lifestyle in the prevention of cardiovascular disease applies to people who have a doctor’sspecialty. Therefore, at the initiative of the Association of preventive and anti-aging medicine as part of the national program for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases " cardiovascular risk under control" wascreated the I National Register of controlling cardiovascular risk in physicians. In modern conditions it is important to potential and rationality in the health care system, which according to the policy of " Health - 2020: Ukrainian Dimension", is to improve the performance of its operations and reduce costs by increasing the amount of investment attracted to implementation of measures to promote health and prevent disease, and increase the effectiveness of treatment and rehabilitationof patients with circulatory diseases.
Ключові слова
профілактика, хвороби систем кровообігу, фактори ризику, профилактика, болезни системы кровообращения, факторы риска, prevention, diseases of circulatory system, risk factors
Бібліографічний опис
Трибрат Т. А. Досвід організації профілактики хронічних захворювань кровообігу в Україні / Т. А. Трибрат, С. В. Шуть, Л. В. Іщенко // Вісник проблем біології і медицини. – 2014. – Вип. 3, т. 1 (110). – С. 353–357.