Применение парафармацевтиков в профилактике заболеваний тканей пародонта у женщин c синдромом поликистоза яичников

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Українська медична стоматологічна академія


Метою дослідження була оцінка клінічної ефективності застосування парафармацевтиків в профілактиці захворювань тканин пародонта у жінок із синдромом полікістозу яєчників. Показано, що у жінок із синдромом полікістозу яєчників без клінічних симптомів патології пародонту відбувається активація процесів перекисного окислення ліпідів і зниження місцевого імунітету. Застосування профілактичного комплексу, що включає парафармацевтики, дозволяє попередити розвиток запальної патології тканин пародонта.
Целью исследования была оценка клинической эффективности применения парафармацевтиков в профилактике заболеваний тканей пародонта у женщин с синдромом поликистоза яичников. Показано, что у женщин с синдромом поликистоза яичников без клинических симптомов патологии пародонта происходит активация процессов перекисного окисления липидов и снижение местного иммунитета. Применение профилактического комплекса, включающего парафармацевтики, позволяет предупредить развитие воспалительной патологии тканей пародонта.
The significant frequency of periodontal pathology in women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) requires researches aimed at developing effective prophylactics and treatment methods. Actual is the search for effective means of pathogenetic complex treatment and prevention of periodontal diseases in patients with polycystic ovary syndrome. The aim of the study was to evaluate the clinical effects of parapharmaceuticals in the prevention of inflammation of periodontal tissue in women with polycystic ovary syndrome. The objects and methods of research. A total of 75 women of fertile age (18-49 years) were examined, including a control group (n = 25), including practically healthy women examined during preventive sanitation, and the main group of women with polycystic ovary syndrome (n = 50) without clinical symptoms of periodontal lesions. The main group was divided into two subgroups: first (n=25) – preventive maintenance of periodontal pathology, in the second (n = 25) – no prophylaxis was performed. The duration of follow-up was 12 months. All participants in the study had comparable indicators of dental hygiene and dental status at the time of the study. The prophylactic complex included the elixir “Biodent-4” (locally), an antioxidant based on amaranth oil (oral intake), mucosal Phytogel “Ekso” (topically) and tablets “Ekso” (oral intake). The content of the following biochemical markers were determined in the oral liquid of patients: urease, catalase, glutathione peroxidase, lysozyme, superoxide dismutase (SOD), diene conjugates (DC) and malonic dialdehyde (MDA). Determination of the above indicators was carried out before the start of treatment, 1, 6 and 12 months after the initiation of therapeutic measures. All participants in the study signed informed consent, received a positive decision of the ethics committee of the ONMedU to approve the study protocol. Statistical processing was carried out by methods of variance analysis. Results of researches and their discussion. The results of a study of the urease activity decreased by 13.7% 1 month after the initiation of prophylaxis as compared with the initial values, after 6 months – by 36.8% compared to the index for 1 month, but after 12 months the content of urease again increased by 21,8% compared with the indicator for 6 months, but it did not differ from the control group. The content of diene conjugates in the dynamics of prophylaxis gradually decreased: after 1 month – by 9.2%, after 6 months – by 17.4%, after 12 months – by 14% compared to the indicator for prevention. A similar dynamics of the content is observed in malon dialdehyde – after 1, 6 and 12 months, this indicator is reduced by 13.2, 15.8 and 10.0%, respectively, compared with the indicator before the start of preventive treatment. The increase in the activity of catalase in the oral fluid 1 month after the beginning of the prophylaxis by 32.0%, after 6 months – by 45%, after 12 months – by 59% compared to the indicator before the beginning of prevention. The results of remote terms of supervision testify shown that in women with polycystic ovary syndrome without clinical symptoms of periodontal pathology, activation of lipid peroxidation processes and reduction of local immunity occurs. The use of a preventive complex incorporating parapharmaceuticals can prevent the development of inflammatory pathology of periodontal tissues. Prospects of future researches in this direction. Further directions of research are related to the studies of clinicallaboratory evaluation of the effectiveness of generalized periodontitis treatment in women with polycystic ovary syndrome.


Ключові слова

пародонт, синдром полікістозних яєчників, профілактика, парафармацевтики, пародонт, синдром поликистозных яичников, профилактика, парафармацевтики, periodontium, polycystic ovary syndrome, prophylactics, parapharmaceuticals

Бібліографічний опис

Дизик С. В. Применение парафармацевтиков в профилактике заболеваний тканей пародонта у женщин c синдромом поликистоза яичников / С. В. Дизик // Вісник проблем біології і медицини. – 2017. – Вип. 4, т. 2 (140). – С. 216–219.