Chronic periodontitis in patients with chronic duodenal ulce


The integumentary epithelium of the gastric mucosa, which is a continuous secretory field, serves to protect against gastric juice's aggressive properties, a product of the secretory activity of the gastric glands. The interdental papillae of the human gums do not contain any glandular structures. Their hydration is carried out due to the secretory activity of the salivary glands. But this does not exhaust the question of the similarities and differences between these two types of mucous membranes [9]. Summarizing our study of the mucous membranes of the gastric papillae and the gastric mucosa, we can note similar inflammatory processes in these two zones of the digestive tract, causing destructive changes and processes that distinguish the response to chronic inflammation of the gastric mucosa from the epithelium. Such differences are in the development of dystrophic processes, disturbance of regenerative and development of dysregenerative processes in the form of dysplasia of various degrees of expression in the gastric mucosa compared to the mucous membrane of the gingival papillae. There is a difference in the proliferative activity of these two mucous membranes. But the cellular immune response of these parts of the mucous membrane to the infectious factor Hp has common manifestations in the form of areas infiltrated by the lymphohistiocytic elements [5, 15], which demonstrates the connection between inflammatory processes in these parts of the digestive system. The formation of granulations and fibrous tissue occurs.


Ключові слова

chronic duodenal ulcer, dysplasia of the gastric mucosa, chronic atrophic gastritis, chronic periodontitis

Бібліографічний опис

Chronic periodontitis in patients with chronic duodenal ulcer / А. V. Kharchenko, A. M. Yelinska, V. I. Shepitko, E. V. Stetsuk // Світ медицини та біології. ‒ 2022. ‒ № 1 (79). ‒ С. 232–236.